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又到今年毕业时For many senior university students, May is a month when thoughts are firmly set on careers. Leaving the world of education and entering the so-called real world of the workplace can be a daunting experience. Many students are curious about the job situation for graduates in foreign countries. They want to know what is this period of change like for their peers in Europe and the US. Is the job market different to China? Do Western students face the same challenges as Chinese? In this issue of Bilingual Experience you can read about job trends for graduates of higher education in the US and Britain. 对于许多大四学生来说,五月是一个一门心思谋就业的月份。离开教育领域,进入职场这个所谓的现实世界,是一次令人生畏的经历。许多学生对外国毕业生的就业形势感到好奇。他们想知道,对于欧美的同龄人来说,这个转变期是个什么样子。就业市场是否不同于中国?西方学生面临的挑战是否与中国学生相同?而在本期《体验双语时代》中,你就可以读到有关美国和英国高校毕业生就业趋势的内容。 Western Job Trends It is difficult to generalize about job trends in the West. The job market differs from country to country and region to region. Almost all European and North American countries have experienced an intensifying of competition in the job market. More young people participate in third level education than ever before, meaning today’s workforce is more highly educated and better skilled than previous generations. This also means that the value of a university degree is much less than it was before. Another common trend is that the nature of the job market is changing rapidly. Hot jobs can become saturated by the time a student has graduated. A typical example of this is graphic design. In the 1990s this was a popular major with students in Britain. It was believed that there would be a lot of potential in the graphic design market. In recent years, with so many graphic designers hunting so few jobs, graphic design graduates have been known to offer their services for little or no pay, just to get some work experience. New Page 1   UK Job Market The


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