
活血化瘀中药的药理作用研究进展 - 天津中草药杂志社.pdf

活血化瘀中药的药理作用研究进展 - 天津中草药杂志社.pdf

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活血化瘀中药的药理作用研究进展 - 天津中草药杂志社

- 64 - Drug Evaluation Research 第 36 卷 第 1 期 2013 年 2 月 活血化瘀中药的药理作用研究进展 高 冲,刘 璐,胡爱菊,冯玉婷,朱立新 河北省邯郸市中心医院 药剂科,河北 邯郸 056001 摘 要:近年来对活血化瘀中药的药理作用及其机制研究主要集中在改善血流动力学、改善血液流变学、改善微循环障碍、 抗血栓、抗动脉粥样硬化及心肌缺血、抑制组织异常增生、抑制炎症、抑制肿瘤等方面。已经有很多成药应用于临床,涉及 心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、肝硬化等数十种疾病,临床疗效显著,展现出良好的应用前景。综述活血化瘀中药及天然药物提取 物的药理作用研究进展。 关键词:中药;天然药物;活血化瘀;药理作用 中图分类号:R96 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674 - 6376 (2013) 01 - 0064 - 05 DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.1674-6376.2013.01.016 Research progress in pharmacological study on Chinese materia medica with function of activating blood and resolving stasis GAO Chong, LIU Lu, HU Ai-ju, FENG Yu-ting, ZHU Li-xin Department of Pharmacy, Central Hospital of Handan City, Handan 056001, China Abstract: Recently, the researches on the pharmacological actions of Chinese materia medica (CMM) with the function of activating blood and resolving stasis and the mechanisms are mainly concentrated in the improvement of hemodynamics, hemorheology, and microcirculation, antithrombosis, anti-atherosclerosis, anti-myocardial ischemia, inhibition of abnormal tissue hyperplasia, anti- inflammation, antitumor, and so on. There are many Chinese patent medicines widely applied in the clinical use for treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, cirrhosis, and other diseases, with a good prospect. This paper summarizes the research progress in pharmacological study on CMM and extract from natural products with the function of activating blood and resolving stasis. Key words: Chinese materia medica; natural products; activating blood and resolving stasis; pharmacological actions 活血化瘀是我国医学的一个重要理论和治疗原 扩张血管、增加血流量、改善心功能是改善血流动 则,《内经》记载的“疏其血气、令其调达”,已成 力学异常的有效途径。 为后世活血化瘀治则的基础。随着对活血化瘀中药 许多活血化瘀药对不同部位的血管,如心、脑、 的深入研究,发现其具有改善血流动力学异常、改 肢体、肠系膜、肾


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