3d材质参数设置与问答(3D material parameter settings and questions and answers).doc

3d材质参数设置与问答(3D material parameter settings and questions and answers).doc

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3d材质参数设置与问答(3D material parameter settings and questions and answers)

3d材质参数设置与问答(3D material parameter settings and questions and answers) A plastic material, practice: Refers to the plastic polymer and mixing, and then after heating and pressurizing and made of materials. Has a lightweight, insulation, abrasion resistance and no deformation at room temperature and other good characteristics, so it has been widely used in various industrial and daily life. In 3DS MAX, to deal with a large number of plastic material. From the appearance of the characteristics of plastic, plastic surface finish, reflective, reflective point small, color is single. Even if the plastic surface reflection is very slight, so often can be ignored. Here, the author gives some common plastics in 3DS MAX (in white plastic material practice as an example): SHADER[shading]:BLINN or PHONG AMBIENT[]:R190 G190 B190 (if the ambient brightness down is not easy to reflect plastic texture) DIFFUSE[]:R240 G240 B240 (diffuse color not transferred to the maximum value, otherwise not true can not reflect the high light) SPECULAR[color]: the default value SPECULAR LEVEL[high brightness: 95 (brighter, so make a big point, but should not exceed 100) GLOSSINESS[high light range: 80 (so as to ensure the high light point is relatively small, with high plastic optical characteristics) Description: plastic single color, no surface concavity, so there is no need to use a diffuse or bump. In order to enhance the sense of reality, also can give the plastic material with a light reflection. Two, the surface roughness of the material practice: The surface of some objects relatively rough, but the color is relatively simple, high light value is minimum, will not form a highlight point on the object surface, but the surface may be a concavity. The rough surface to simulate the light brown material as an example, given the settings for your reference: SHADER[shading]:BLINN (if you choose to use PHONG not easy to highlight the surface roughness) AMBIENT[]:R67 G53 B32 (color is dark brown)



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