21世纪前十年对世界有重大影响的100人(100 in twenty-first Century the first ten years of the world have a significant impact).doc

21世纪前十年对世界有重大影响的100人(100 in twenty-first Century the first ten years of the world have a significant impact).doc

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21世纪前十年对世界有重大影响的100人(100 in twenty-first Century the first ten years of the world have a significant impact)

21世纪前十年对世界有重大影响的100人(100 in twenty-first Century the first ten years of the world have a significant impact) [Abstract] imperceptibly, in twenty-first Century the first ten years has been in the past. In between, the French Le Nouvel Observateur magazine lists the ten years of our worlds most influential, leave footprints in our life 100 characters. This list is subjective (there are quite a few French), but also for our understanding of this ten years provides a special perspective. - [text] 1 - star of hope Obama (Obama) - Whether he is Kennedy or Carter? A difficult first year past, someone saw him in the shadow of Carter, make a promise too much but people too disappointed. This argument is really about. Since his election itself is an important moment in history -- the worlds largest democracy surprised everyone pick a mulatto (or black) to lead their own. But Obama can bring far more than that: he let people forget the disaster of the Bush era, the United States and other countries in the world have reached a settlement, weakened the uncle Sams imperialist aggression, to put back on the schedule, since the reform of the United States conducted Frank Lin Is depth In the haunted by anxieties after ten years, the world will be projected onto the Obama hope this mirror. - 2 - economy Mittal (LakshmiMittal) - His English is mixed with strong India flavor, but the full power; his house is the most expensive house in london. The 59 year old steel king did not forget to bring up his culture: he Zaoshuizaoqi every day, love yoga, is a vegetarian. The billionaire was born in Rajasthan, a small village without electricity, his way like a Bollywood movie: in 1950s, his father opened a small steel mill on the outskirts of Calcutta, on which dig into the pot of gold; at the age of 26 he started in Indonesia since the first steel plant, and then a little a point in the world, the acquisition of bankrupt small factories. The fall of the Berlin wall in Eastern Europe to those



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