21天潜意识巨人训练(21 days training giant subconscious).doc

21天潜意识巨人训练(21 days training giant subconscious).doc

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21天潜意识巨人训练(21 days training giant subconscious)

21天潜意识巨人训练(21 days training giant subconscious) 21 days training the subconscious giant Through these 21 days of training we look forward to the subconscious subconscious giant giant product you really use every day according to the requirements, give the subconscious giant opportunity to play a role, it is to enjoy the joy of growth opportunities! This short 21 days will be the most important thing in our life for 21 days! We will Neiwaijianxiu, subconscious and conscious to grow, in the grasp now and we will rebuild our past, set up and create our future. Training one: use the subconscious giant CD Have a full set of subconscious giant products, can be in 21 days in three weeks, one week to two units, starting from the youth and confidence of perfect energy, 21 days will be 6 units using a wheel, and then repeated recycling. Learning to work every day in 2 hours when the background music instruction, sleep all night quietly playing Thanksgiving CD. This is the core of the 21 day of training, training is the foundation of everything, is the priority among priorities, the next few are auxiliary, 21 days do not stop all day, for some reason is interrupted, you have to re start the 21 day of training. Training two: replace your daily vocabulary One of the principle is: receiving the subconscious extraction of fundamental factors -- Vocabulary it from your sentence statement issued instructions, but not modified to analyze the words in front of increase in the number of positive or negative. For example, whether you are poor or not poor, as long as the words of poverty, received the subconscious is poor. Our discourse is often a prophecy, easy to inadvertently received by the subconscious into reality, and. Our daily repeated most of the words is our pet phrase. You were the most frequently used pet phrase written down, analyze and design their own spoken language, let your pet phrase is positive and strong! (for example: I said to myself the awesome, I began to admire


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