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魅力領導與團隊凝聚力之研究 -以大學籃球校隊為例 摘 要 本研究旨在探討籃球教練魅力領導行為與團隊凝聚力之現況及其關聯性。首先透過魅力領導與團隊凝聚力相關文獻分析,採用問卷調查方式,收集及分析資料,研究樣本以第一屆全國大專校院盃籃球錦標賽參賽選手為受試對象,研究者自編「籃球教練魅力領導行為與團隊凝聚力問卷」為研究工具,問卷調查資料以SPSS10.電腦軟體進行t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方法進行資料處理。研究結果重要結論如下: 一、籃球教練運用魅力領導行為尚屬中上,且以「創新團隊願景」與「注重績效管理」較明顯;選手知覺團隊凝聚力良好,以「團隊認同」、「人際吸引」與「達成目標」表現較清晰;二、性別、每週練球時間及贏球經驗等背景變項之選手知覺教練魅力領導行為達顯著水準;三、性別、每週練球時間、球隊年資及贏球經驗等因素,影響團隊凝聚力的程度達顯著水準;四、教練魅力領導行為與團隊凝聚力整體及各層面,均呈現正相關且達顯著水準。最後,依據研究結果,提出建議以提供學術界及運動競技團隊教練與選手們參考。 關鍵字:運動教練、魅力領導、團隊凝聚力 A Study of the Coaches’ Charismatic Leadership and Team Cohesion -Take the Basketball Team of the University for Instance Chun-Tzu tsai Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the current status and the association between the charismatic leadership of the basketball coaches and team cohesion. At first, we review the current researches of charismatic leadership and team cohesion. Secondly, a questionnaire survey is employed for data collection and analysis. This survey, called “the Questionnaire of the Basketball Coaches’ Charismatic Leadership and Team Cohesion,” is written by the researcher himself and conducted with the players of the First National University Basketball Contest. Via SPSS 10, a statistical software package, the t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation, Canonical correlation analysis are accomplished. The results are summarized below: The degree that basketball coaches utilize their charismatic leadership is above the average, especially their innovative vision and performance management. Good team cohesion in player’s consciousness was presented with team identification, inter-attractiveness, and goal-reaching presenting clearer. Gender, the frequency of practicing, and the experience of winning, to charismatic leadership of the coaches present significant. Gender, the frequency of practicing, time in the team, and the experience of winning have significant influence on team cohesion. The coaches’ charismatic leadership and team cohesion are s


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