调查与决策——《发展服务经济 推动城乡融合》(Investigation and decision making -- promoting the integration of urban and rural areas by developing service economy).doc

调查与决策——《发展服务经济 推动城乡融合》(Investigation and decision making -- promoting the integration of urban and rural areas by developing service economy).doc

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调查与决策——《发展服务经济 推动城乡融合》(Investigation and decision making -- promoting the integration of urban and rural areas by developing service economy)

调查与决策——《发展服务经济 推动城乡融合》(Investigation and decision making -- promoting the integration of urban and rural areas by developing service economy) Investigation and decision (Reference) First issue Developing service economy and promoting integration between urban and rural areas Practice and Reflection on the development of service industry in Shuangliu County CPC Shuangliu County Party Committee Policy Research Office The service sector is an important component of the national economy, and its level of development is an important indicator of the degree of economic and social development, and plays a significant role in promoting the current economic restructuring. In recent years, Shuangliu County aims to speed up the adjustment of industrial structure, change the mode of economic development, adhere to the development of service industry, especially the modern service industry as the strategic basis for deepening the urban and rural areas, realize the strategy development, as an important starting point to expand domestic demand and promote employment, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, efforts to promote the new industrial economy by single stage support to the three industry coordinated development, a strong impetus to accelerate the development and integration of urban and rural areas. I. main practice of Shuangliu developing service industry (1) to determine the development strategy of the service industry centering on the optimization of the structure and the overall planning of urban and rural areas. One is based on the county situation. After the sustained and rapid development in recent years, Shuangliu 2008 per capita GDP reached 4411 U. s.dollars, has entered the middle stage of industrialization, is in the industrial economy to service-oriented economy transition period. We based on the thorough research and development oriented development situation at home and abroad, industry of our country industry, based on the double play uni



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