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17 3 (();) V o .17 N o .3 20 10 5 Earth S cien ce Fronti ers (Chi na U ni versit y of G eosci ences(Beijing);Peking U niversit y ) M ay 20 10 李廷栋1, 2 1., 100037 2. , 130026 Li T ingdong1, 2 1.Ch inese A ca dem y of Geolog i ca l S c iences, B e ij ing 100037, Chi na 2.Co llege of Eart h Sc iences, J i li n Uni v ers ity , Chan gch un 130026, China Li Tingdong.Principal characteristics of the lithosphere of China.Earth Science Frontiers, 2010, 17(3):001-013 Abstract:The ithosphe ric structure of China and its adj ace nt area is very comp ex and ha s seve ra prominent cha racteristic f ea tur es:the co ntinenta cru st of China is thick in the w est but thin in the east;and it is thick in the so uth but thin in the no rth.T he continenta cru st of Q inghai-Tibet P a teau has a n aver age thickness of 60 -65 km w ith a max imum thickne ss of 80 km.w hi e in the Eastern China it is 30-35 km and the minimum thick- ness is on y 5 km in the centra sea basin of South China Sea.T he av erag e thickne ss of the co ntinenta cru st of China reaches 47.6 km, w hich g reat y exceeds the ave rage thickness o f 39.2 km o f the g oba cru st.T he itho- sphere of Chinese co ntinent and its adjacent ar eas a so show s the g ene ra chang e tende ncy of thicker in the w est and thinne r in the east, and thicker in the south and thinne r in the no rth.T he ithosphe re o f Q ing hai-T ibet P ateau a nd no rthw este rn China has an averag e thickness o f 165 km w ith a maximum thickness of 180-200 km in the centra and east par t of T arim Basin, Pamir and Chang du areas.T he v ast ar eas to the east of the Da Xing gan-T aihang-W u ing mo untains inc uding the marg ina sea are the ithosphe ric thinning r egio ns w here


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