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1 猴頭菌發酵 產物對巨噬細胞免疫調節 之影響
1 2 1*
2 林玉婷 、鄭永祥 、陳淑德
3 國立宜蘭大學食品科學系
4 國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系
5 猴頭菇可調節免疫力,對消化系統的癌變、潰瘍均有顯著療效。 本研究之目
6 的 為評估猴頭菌液態發酵米漿和猴頭菇子實體的熱水萃取物 ,分別對巨噬細胞
7 株存活率 、NO 產生及細胞激素包括TNF- 、IL-4及 IL-10 生成量的影響 。結果
8 顯示,低濃度(10 g/mL)猴頭菌 液態發酵米漿熱水萃取物未造成巨噬細胞 株傷
9 害 ,存活率超過 100% 。猴頭菌液態發酵 米漿及猴頭菇的熱水萃取物濃度為 5及
10 50 g/mL 均可促使巨噬細胞增加 NO 、TNF- 、IL-4及 IL-10的 生成量 ,故 猴頭
11 菌發酵米漿及 猴頭菇子實體皆具有調節免疫之效果。
12 關鍵字 : 猴頭菌,發酵米漿,萃取物,免疫調節
2 Effects of Hericium erinaceus Fermented Products on Macrophage
3 Immunomodulation
4 Yu-Ting Lin1 Yeong-Hsiang Cheng2 Su-Der Chen1*
5 1Department of Food Science, National Ilan University, I-Lan, Taiwan
6 2Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University, I-Lan,
7 Taiwan
8 Hericium erinaceus can enhance immunity and has remarkable treatment ability
9 on gastric cancer and gastric ulcer. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the
10 hot water extracts from Hericium erinaceus fermented rice milk and fruiting body,
11 respectively, on macrophage proliferation and NO, TNF-, IL-4 and IL-10 secretion.
12 The results showed that low levels at 10 g/mL hot water extract from Hericium
13 erinaceus fermented rice milk did not cause harm macrophages, the survival ratio
14 was over 100%. The hot water extract at 5 g/mL and 50g/mL from Hericium
15 erinaceus fermented rice milk and fruiting body could significant induce
16 macrophages to secrete NO, TNF-, IL-4 and IL-10. Therefore,