剑桥少儿英语kb1 unit2 my school.ppt

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剑桥少儿英语kb1 unit2 my school

Let’s sing color song red yellow and pink and green. Orange purple and blue, I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow to you. Let’s review some new words classroom 教室 eraser 橡皮擦 pen 笔、钢笔 pencil 铅笔 desk 桌子、书桌 chair 椅子 sofa 沙发 white board 白板 computer 电脑 gray 灰色的 silver 银色的 white 白色的 black 黑色的 stool 凳子 table 餐桌 Let’s recall classroom eraser pen pencil desk chair sofa white board computer gray silver white black stool table Play game 转圈圈 学生一个一个地上来,闭上眼睛转圈圈,转两圈,然后再去拿卡片,拿几张就读几张,全部读对加一颗星,有一张没读出来就没星加。 Listen and point Please turn to page 2, listen and circle the right one. Please turn to page 5, listen and say the color. Please turn to page 8, listen and say the color. Please turn to page 10, say their age. Pupil’s book, track8, 5 Stella: hello, Meera. Meera: hello, Stella. Hello. What’s your name? Suzy: Suzy. Simon: how old are you, Meera? Meera: I’m eight, and you? Simon: I’m six. Pupil’s book track 09, 6 Hello, I’m Simon. I’m six. Hello, I’m Meera. I’m eight. Hello, I’m Suzy. I’m three. Hello, I’m Stella. I’m seven. Pupil’s book Track 24, 4 Four purple chairs. Three blue tables. Six red pens. Seven yellow books. Two orange pencils. Eight green erasers. Activity book Track 14, 7 Color number five yellow. Color number nine green. Color number ten red. Color number three orange. Color number one blue. Color number two pink. Color number seven purple. Activity book Track 04, 2 Hello, I’m Simon. Hello, I’m Maskman. Hello, I’m Suzy. Hello, I’m Monty. Hello, I’m Marie. Hello, I’m Stella. Matching table chair eraser pen book pencil orange pink yellow green red blue Activity book Track 21, 1 The table is red. The chair is orange. The eraser is pink The pen is blue. The book is green. The pencil is yellow. Activity book Track 27, 4 How old


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