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大学英语课程 《朗文交互英语LEI4》 教 案 授课班级: 授课教材:《朗文交互英语4》 Longman English Interactive, Book 4 授课学时:1课时(40分钟) Teaching Plan (第十一周) (C1~C2, Longman English Interactive, Book 4) Instructor Unit C2 Length 40m Teaching Aids LEI Platform; computer; PPT Class-meeting Objectives 围绕主题进行复习检查,掌握与主题相关的词汇和表达。以、“结对”形式开展各种口语活动,鼓励学生使用所学词汇和表达,提高口语表达能力。内容包括: 1. Learn how to express enthusiasm, reluctance, worry and apathy; 2. Learn how to; 3. Learn how to improve English News listening. Teaching focus 1. Learning expressions of enthusiasm, reluctance, worry and apathy; learning to give a sympathetic response; 2. Creating dialogues by using the expressions. Teaching procedures time allocation Step 1: Online-work Review (15 minutes) Step 2: Autonomous Learning Activities (20) minutes) (Module Quiz) Individual work Pair work Group work Step 3: Evaluation (3 minutes) Step 4: Assignments (2 minutes) Teaching Method 1. Student-centered, interactive activities. 2. From controlled activities to free activities. Reference Books Teacher’s Manual of Longman English Interactive, Book 4 Longman English Interactive, Book 4 C2 Jack’s Big Scene 教学内容及课堂活动设计 Teaching Contents Activity Design I. Online-work Review (15 minutes) 本部分主要检查学生自主学习情况。内容包括听写填空、模仿语音语调、复述故事情节与观点表达等。 Task 1: Video Review 1. Global Understanding Telling the truth is a principle of life. In the video, Who comes to Nick and Talia and tells the whole story? What condition does she demand? Why did she decide to tell the truth? Watch the video and answer the questions. 2. Spot Dictation Directions: Watch the video and supply the missing words. (1) Talia: So, what are you going to do now? Nick: I don’t know. Until you told me about the tape, I was expecting to _________________tomorrow. Talia: I have an idea. How about this? What if I call your coach? Would he believe me if I told him about Dean and Jackie? Nick: It wouldnt matter if he believed you, Talia. Im sorry, your word wouldn’t be enough. Talia: Who is that? Jackie:


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