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基于扎根理论的服装企业买手运营模式研究 张婷 胡守忠 上海工程技术大学服装学院 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 买手模式是一种全新的企业运营管理模式, 近年来国内企业纷纷效仿国外企业相继引入买手模式以试图转变目前企业经营不乐观的状态, 这种模式在企业的运作过程中以买手的工作为核心展开。文章运用扎根理论的思想方法, 借助质性分析软件Nvivo8.0对企业买手运营模式的影响因素进行系统化研究, 发现影响买手企业成败的因素基本包括四大范畴:买手企业基础、市场营销环境、买手团队建设及买手商品企划。这四大范畴包含了10个纬度方向的子范畴, 从各个方面分析买手运营模式在中国服装企业成功实施的关键因素, 为国内服装企业实施买手模式提供理论借鉴。 关键词: 扎根理论; 服装企业; 买手运营模式; 影响因素; 影响因素模型; 作者简介:张婷 (1996—) , 女, 硕士研究生, 研究方向为服装市场营销。 作者简介:胡守忠, 教授, hushzh@。 收稿日期:2017-05-22 基金:上海市教育委员会高校教师培养计划资助项目 (A1-5300-15-020305) Study on garment enterprise buyer operation mode based on the grounded theory ZHANG Ting HU Shouzhong College of Fashion, Shanghai University of Engineering Science; Abstract: Buyer mode is a new kind of enterprise operation management mode. In recent years, domestic enterprises followed the example of foreign firms one after another to bring in buyer mode to try to transform the pessimistic business operation status quo. The mode focusing on buyers work in enterprise operation process. In this paper, the method of grounded theory was used to study the influencing factors about buyer operation mode in enterprise systematically with the help of qualitative analysis software. The results show that the basic factors affecting the success or failure of the buyer enterprise include four major categories: namely Buyer Enterprise Foundation, Marketing Environment, Buyer Team Building and the Buyer Commodity Planning. The four categories contained the subcategories of 10 latitude directions and the key factors in the successful implementation of Chinese clothing enterprises were analyzed from various aspects. This paper provides the theoretical reference for the domestic clothing enterprises to implement the buyer mode. Keyword: grounded theory; clothing enterprise; buyer operation mode; influencing factors; influencing factor model; Received: 2017-05-22 从目前国内外服装企业的发展来看, 诸如服饰企业“ZARA”“VANCLE”“韩都衣舍”等, 百货业连卡佛、银泰百货, 以及饰品业施华洛世奇


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