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城市轨道交通实用英语 主编:杨国平 Practical English for Metro Services 目录 Part 1 Subway Services Unit 1 Inquiry Unit 2 Tickets Unit 3 Subway Security Unit 4 Dealing with Situations Unit 5 Miscellaneous Services Unit 6 Attractions Unit 1 Inquiry 1.1 Route 1.2 Time 1.3 Equipment 1.4 Others 1.4 Others I. Lead-in A. Vocabulary link Identity the pictures below. Match the things in the box with the pictures. 1. a station diagram a brochure (display) stand a neighborhood /street map 4. a brochure 5. Shanghai Metro Map 6. a booklet 1.4 Others a b c d e f 1.4 Others B. Pair work If you got lost in a subway station and were on your own, would you prefer to get information from a Metro employee or with the aid of a map? Discuss this with your partner. 1.4 Others II. Situational Dialogs Dialog 1 John is asking the way at Middle Yanggao Road station. J=John M = Metro employee J: Excuse me, I want to go to Dingxiang Road and my friend told me the way. But now I’m lost. M: Don’t worry. I’ll show you the way on the map… J: Thank you. I see. Eh…Would you do me another favor? 1.4 Others M: Go ahead. J: Could you give me a Shanghai Metro Map with the neighborhood map? M: Certainly. It’s on the stand, but only with the neighborhood map of this station. J: That’s more than enough. 1.4 Others Dialog 2 It’s raining, and John is trying to borrow an umbrella at the subway station. J=John M = Metro employee J: Hello, Miss. May I borrow an umbrella? M: Is it raining ? J: Yes. My clothes are quite wet. The rain isn’t heavy now, but I’m afraid it could pour soon. 1.4 Others M: Okay. Please give me your ID information and telephone number. J: My cell number is M: Here you are. Please return it to our station at your convenience within one week, so that others can use it, okay? J: No problem. 1.4 Others Words and Phrases neighborhood n. 邻近地区、地段 neighborhood map


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