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肺门的定义(构成), 位置、大小、形态; 肺纹理定义、构成,与肺门的关系; 观察肺纹理注意点; Paricarditis A. Pericardiac effusion No change if the fluid is below 300ml in amount 1) Enlarged in the shape of a flask or of globular shape, with loss of the arcs of the heart, shortness of the aortic pedicle shadow 2) Widening of superior vena cava, and pulmonary markings decreased 3) Pulsation of the heart diminished or disappeared except that of the aorta The fluid around the contours of the heart as a circular zone which is hypodense( ) in comparison to the myocardium ( ) separeted from the subepicardial fatty tissue which is present in varying amounts 原发性心肌病primary cardiomyopathy 扩张型心肌病dilated cardiomyopathy,与心包积液 B. Constrictive pericarditis Adhesions and fibrosis between the two layers limitation of the contraction and diastole 1) The arcs of the heart disappeared and the border become straight. The heart tends to be of triangle or polygonal 2) Size of heart normal or slightly enlarged. 3) Dilatation of superior vena cava 4) the pulmonary vasculature 5) Calcification of the pericardium is a characteristic sign occur in about 12-15% of the cases (X-ray film). 6) Pulsation may be redused or absent, generally or locally. Chronic constrictive pericarditis CT: thickening and calcifications of the pericardium with small amounts of fluid Pericardial thickening Pericardial calcifications small amounts of fluid Aortic aneurysm: true: aortic lumen ≥ 4cm, 5cm dissecting aneurysm pseudo-aneurysm Aortic aneurysm Marfan, Syndrome 憩室样动脉瘤 diverticulum-type aneurysm pseudo-aneurysm DeBakeyⅠ DeBakey Ⅱ DeBakey Ⅲ Aortic dissection Type A Type B intimal flap between the false lumen and the true aortic lumen aortic dissection DeBakey Ⅲ The dissection begins at the left subclavian artery origin. A radiolucent intimal flap can be seen separating the true lumen from the false lumen. A white contrast injection catheter can be seen wit


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