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环境技术投资评价方法剖析 环境技术投资评价方法剖析 郭晓梅 福建厦门大学会计系 361005 摘要:随着环境保护运动的高涨,政府加强了对企业的环境管理,鼓励采用最优环境技术。对此, 企业的战略各不相同。有的消极应付,有的积极求变。企业的投资,包括战术性投资和战略性投资。 环境管理战略不同,投资类型就有差异。而做出决策的依据,主要是投资评价。目前通行的投资项 目财务评价方法,未能反映环境投资项目的真正效益。所以,有必要进行改进,以扩大成本范围, 合理选择贴现率并延长评价时间。但是,对于战略投资项目,仅有财务评价是不够的,还必须进行 战略成本分析。评估环境技术投资对于企业价值链,成本动因和竞争优势的影响,从而反映环境技 术的战略效益。只有这样,才能使企业看到环境效益与财务效益的统一性,促进环境战略的转变, 实现可持续经营。 关键词:环境战略 财务评价 战略投资评价 Abstract:As the momentum in environmental conservation increase, many governments strengthen the regulation on the environmental management of business, encouraging business to adopt best available technology. Reponses from business are different, some are passive, some are active. Investment includes strategy investment and operating investment. The type of investment varies with the strategy of environmental management. The decision of investment is based on the appraisal. As the financial appraisal of project that are commonly used can not reflect the real benefit of investment, some improvement, such as broadening the range of cost, appropriate discounted rate, and the lengthening of time frame will be needed. For strategy investment, strategy cost analysis, which analysis the effect of the investment on value chain, cost drives and competitive advantages, will be necessary, as well as the financial appraisal. Only in this way can business realize sustainability based on the integration of environmental benefits and financial benefits. Key Words: Environmental Strategy Financial Appraisal, Strategy Investment Appraisal 一、企业环境管理战略与环境技术投资决策 从 20 世纪 80 年代以来,随着可持续发展观的提出,各国政府逐渐加强环境管制手段,从而给 企业,特别是制造业带来了深刻的影响。企业必须适应环境法规的要求,才能持续地经营下去。而 由于政府实施环境管制手段,逐渐从尾端治理向综合治理转化,提倡实施清洁生产,强调采纳最优 环境技术,环境技术投资被提到企业的议事日程。对此,不同企业采取了不同的战略。有的企业置 法律的变化而不顾,仍然坚持原来的技术;有的企业仅满足于遵守法规的最低要求;有的则


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