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从此,他们过上了幸福的生活   这是一篇伤感的文章,看后却让人不禁深思:怎样才算是幸福的生活?童话故事很美好,现实很现实。文中的母亲也许很自私,这篇文章似乎也不应该出现在属于母亲的月份――然而我们在体味美好生活的同时也不能忘记,现实生活中总有一些不尽如人意的事情。学会忆苦思甜,在面对挫折之时更应该激励自己勇敢地坚持下去,即便没有永远的幸福,至少我们可以大声地说:我曾经幸福过!      “And they all lived happily ever after.” That’s the   classic ending for every fairytale story. Poor Cinderella sheds a few tears because she can’t go to the ball, but has she tried going for five days without food? Then she’d really have something to cry about. Dear Sleeping Beauty has a spell put on her that causes her to slumber   away[以睡觉消磨] in bed for years to come; but at least she has a bed. At least she has a Prince Charming that will wake her up from her world of sleep. If I ever decided to go to sleep for a while, would anyone wake me up?   My name is Sofia, and I am 14 years old. I was 11 when my dad left, breaking my mother’s heart. I was 12 when she was diagnosed with depression and 13 when she decided that she could not look after my five-year-old brother James and me. She packed our clothes into a bag, with a little bit of money and a note that pleaded for us to be cared for. She then drove us to the nearest   bus stop and left us there. She did not take us to an adoption agency, in fear of being locked up in a mental hospital for her severe depression. She told us that she did it out of love.   For days we waited and waited, getting hungrier and thirstier, and the time went on. Finally someone stopped and read the note. It was an elderly woman with greying hair and kind eyes. Her voice and face were as soft as velvet[天鹅绒] and she had an air about her that was trustworthy and honest. She would have been   perfect to look after us; we would have gladly gone with her. There was one problem though, she was a widow and when her husband died she went broke and barely had enough money to get by.   Two young children who needed schooling was not something she could afford. She was kind-hearted though and offered to drive us to the nearest orphanage.   We


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