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九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 1 Section C教案均川中心学校 黄海蓉三维目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:tongue, mother tongue, state, speaker, communicate, conference, tourist2. Go on learning the simple present passive voice:Of all these languages, English is the most widely used.3. Let the students know the wide uses of English in the world.教学重难点1. Go on learning the simple present passive voice:2. Let the students know the wide uses of English in the world.教学策略学法指导Reading comprehension, revision, discussion, pair work, group work教 学 过 程教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业)设计意图Step 1. Duty ReportAsk one or two students on duty to give a report, the others listen carefully and answer the teacher’s questions. Step 2. Review1. Learn the new words and phrases by discussion and making sentences. E.g. mother tongue, communicate, tourist… 2. Retell 2a, Section B with the help of the key words.on business in general have no trouble doing sth.once in a while translate and explain 3. Check the homework, ask some students to talk about English. T: When and where do people use English?S1: I will have long conversations with Americans in English.S2: I will use English if I take part in an international meeting …S3: Most of the world’s scientists read in English.S4: English is useful when you go abroad. … Step 3 Presentation1. Show a picture of an international conference with English and talk about it . Eg.教 学 过 程教学内容(用好教材、开发资源),教师引领(创设情景、问题设计、点拨诱导、分层导学)学生求学(自主、合作、探究),活动过程(教学环节、师生互动、反馈练习、布置作业复习上节课的语言项目,为导入新课作准备。为学习新课作准备。展示图片,创设情景对话, 设计意图T: Do you know which language is spoken as their mother tongue in France?S1: French.T: Which language is spoken as their mother tongue in China?S2: Chinese.T: Look at this picture. Can you tell me what they are doing?Ss: They are having a meeting.T: Yes. They are having an international conference.T: Which language is the speaker speaking? Can you guess?Ss: Yes. I think he is speaking Engl


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