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苏州瑞玛化学专业碳氢清洗剂力量 * 一站式清洗解决方案,提供一站式的润滑-清洗-防锈 * * * * * * * As you can see, Actrel are good cleaners , the only short fall is they are combustible therefore it is important to understand the flammibility of hydrocarbon solvent to allow the safe use of Actrel cleaning fluids * Le’s start with the fire triangle, for fire to occur you need air, sufficient hydrocarbon vapour and ignition source * Before we talk abt flammability vs temp, let me explain the following terms. The lower explosion limit is the ...... The upper explosion limit - the highest concentration ... The flammable range is between LEL UEL Flash point is the minimum temp at which under specified test conditions, a liquid give off sufficient flammable vapour to ignite momentarily on application of an ignition source....... The auto-ignition temp is very different from flash point. In rough term terms, it is temp at which the hydrocarbon automatically catches fire ... The AIT of hydrocarbon is always above 200 deg C * The LEL of most hydrocarbon is abt 1% in air the UEL is abt 7% in air Between LEL to UEL is the danger zone. We should not operate in this zone. Below the LEL and above the UEL is the safe zone. We normally recommend customers to operate below LEL. it is easier to control’cos if you operate in the UEL if air rush into the system dilute the hydrocarbon vapour, it may fall in the danger zone... Therefore, how to avoid generating flammable atmosphere * * REMAM 清洗剂 ~ 真正的清洗方案 ~ 中國 2012年11月 * PROPRIETARY 国际多个法规制定机构及政府皆承认氯化溶剂对健康与环境的危害,正加强监控诸如: 1,1,1-三氯乙烷 (TCA),二氯甲烷 (MC),三氯乙烯(TCE),四氯乙烯(PCE)等氯化溶剂的使用,生产及排放。 欧美等发达国家早已实现了蒙特利尔议定目标至1996年完全停止1,1,1-三氯乙烷 (TCA)的生产和消费。而对于发展中国家,蒙特利尔议定书适度放宽了最终实现淘汰1,1,1-三氯乙烷生产和消费的时间表。 欧盟的归类与标签法规要求: 1. 三氯乙烯 属于第二类致癌物质(有毒,R45可能引致“致癌”) 第三类可引起突变物质(R68 “可能引致不可逆变化的风险”) 被认为“对水体生物有危害性”(R52/53) 对眼睛,皮肤有刺激性 (R36/38) 气雾会使人可能昏昏欲睡及晕眩 (R67) 二氯甲烷 ,四氯乙烯 皆归类为健康危害性物质, 属于R40类别 - “有限证据显示有致癌性” 在相关应用领域如表面清洗,需要被其他低危害性的物质替代 REMATM清洗剂 不属于可能引致“致癌”归类当中 (



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