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华中科技大学博士学位论文 华 中 科 技 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文 IV IV In this scheme, the laws of front-end application I/O requests are monitored .then control the reconstruction speed in order to provide enough bandwidth to front-end application. Compared to not taking Seesaw, our approach performs well on the write-dominated trace like Financial1 and the speed-up ratio is 9.05 when RAID is in the reconstruction process. With the constant growth of data center scale, the latent sector errors become very common in data center. Two schemes are used to prevent the data loss in a single disk caused by latent sector error. One is the disk scrubbing technology; the other is the in- tra-disk redundancy code(IDR). The IDR scheme gains higher reliability at the expense of lower disk performance and the scheme isn’t suitable for the application which re- quires high performance. Based the research that the sector which has heavy load has higher failure rate, we propose a scheme that replicate the popularity data block to im- prove reliability and improve the performance by choosing to access the data block which near to the disk head. Theory analysis shows that the scheme greatly improves the disk’s reliability. The performance experiment shows that the disk access time will de- crease by 20% approximately when the disk is integrated this scheme. The archival storage systems which use Shamir threshold scheme split the data into n parts. In a (k, n) threshold scheme, it only need any k pieces of data to recover the original data. In this paper, we build an energy-efficient archival storage system Green- Arc. GreenArc distribute the data into n storage nodes by threshold scheme. k of n sto- rage nodes provide the storage service, while the other n-k storage nodes remain standby mode in order to save energy. Experimental result shows that when archival storage sys- tem uses the same threshold, the lighter the load in the system. The more energy can be saved by GreenArc. With the increase of k value, th



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