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华中 科技 大学
中 科
技 大
学 硕
士 学
位 论
In recent years, with the construction of road and urban transportation development, long cantilever single-box multi-room wide box section was used in a large number of prestressed concrete continuous girder bridge to reduce the weight of the upper part and construct quickly and conveniently. In this article, a FEM model of a long cantilever box girder bridge was established by ANSYS to study the transverse stress distribution of top flange and analyze the force characteristics of cross diaphragms, the topology optimization method was used to establish the strut-and-tie models of cross diaphragms to simplify the analysis and calculation. The main work of the paper is as follows:
A transverse frame model of box girder was established to study the transverse prestressing forces effect of different box girder size parameters.
Analysis different tendon linear and different top flange thickness to study the characteristics of the transverse stress of the top flange, and some suggestion was gave for the crack of box girder top flange.
Revealed the force characteristics of cross diaphragms under different load conditions, and put forward a simplified calculating method for cross diaphragms.
Using topology optimization method established strut-and-tie models for cross diaphragms under different load combinations as the simplified calculation model. In the end, a brief introduction was made to show the method of reinforcement of strut-and-tie models.
The results of this study suggest that a moderate increase in the thickness of the top flange and curve linear tendon can effectively adjust transverse stress of the top flange. And the fulcrum and web position is the main control node according to the diaphragms strut-and-tie models created by the topology optimization single-box multi-room cantilever wide box section.
Keywords: long cantilever box girder cross diaphragm frame model strut-and-tie model topology optimization
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