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法。木犀草素在 4.248~50.976μg/mL 范围内有良好的线性关系(r=0.999),回收率 为 99.67%(RSD 为 1.26%)。15 批大车前草中总黄酮的含量在 1.16%~5.47%之间, 平均含量为 2.89%。拟定大车前草中含总黄酮以木犀草素(C15H10O6)计不得少 于 1. 0%。 通过查阅《四部医典》、《晶珠本草》等藏医药典籍,拟定了大车前草的【性 味】、【功效】等内容。 2 大车前草与车前草在质量方面的比较研究 大车前草在古代也被作为车前用药的主要品种,与车前共同使用而一直被认 为是一个种,但目前我国的药品标准中并未收载大车前草。大车前草与车前草的 差异之处并未见报道。本次研究中,共收集了 6 批车前草药材,将其在质量方面 与大车前草进行比较。两种药材在性状、显微鉴别特征比对,两者在性状上存在 一定差异但显微鉴别特征较为相似。在薄层色谱鉴别实验中,两者均能检出明显 的大车前苷,且薄层色谱行为相似。通过对两种药材的检查,结果显示车前草与 大车前草在水分、总灰分、以及浸出物的含量无明显差异,但车前草的酸不溶性 灰分含量较大车前草更高。在含量测定实验中,大车前苷和总黄酮的含量在两种 药材之间差异不明显。总体来说,大车前草与车前草在质量上差异不大。 关键词:大车前草;大车前苷;薄层鉴别;含量测定;质量标准;车前草 II Abstract Plantaginis majoris herba is a traditional tibetan medicine. It is the whole herb of Plantago major L., and the Tibetan medicine name is Naranmu. Its efficacy is antidiarrheal and healing the wound. Up to now, Plantaginis majoris herba is not remedied by any drug standard. This topic is derived from the Sichuan food and drug administration’s standard of Tibetan medicinal materials in sichuan province project, to formulate Plantaginis majoris herba’s quality standards. Plantaginis herba is a traditional chinese medicine. It is the whole herb of Plantago asiatica L. or Plantago depressa Willd.. Plantaginis majoris herba and Plantaginis herba were mixed and common in history. Now to solve above problems, this paper studied the following two aspects: Plantaginis majoris herba quality standards research Totally collected Hei Shui county and Kang Ding county etc. 11 counties (cities) of 15 batches of Plantaginis majoris herba. Through the actual measurement of traits, the traits described. In the microscopic identification experiments, based on the research of the leaf surface characteristics, select the leaf surface view as the point of microscopic identification. In TLC, chosen the both characteristic and pharmacological activities of Plantamajoside as a reference substance, by expanding conditions and durability, set up the thin layer chromatographic method. Determination of the moisture,


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