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中文摘要 中文摘要 万方数据 万方数据 中文摘要 大庸阳戏是我国传统戏曲文化的一部分,是流行于张家界一带的地方小戏。 大庸阳戏由本地民间歌舞发展成为戏曲形态,它经历了“二小”(小丑、小旦)、 “三小”(小丑、小旦、小生)及多行当的形成、衍变和发展阶段,音乐上吸收 当地的民歌、花灯、傩戏等音乐元素。大庸阳戏在张家界土家族文化中具有举足 轻重的地位。 本文从大庸阳戏的生态环境、简史、传承谱系入手,对大庸阳戏的旋法、调 式调性、节奏节拍、唱腔和伴奏音乐等方面进行分析;对大庸阳戏的润腔特点和 演唱的发声技巧所表现出的独特艺术魅力进行阐述;笔者并在实地考察的基础 上,对大庸阳戏的老艺人和剧团进行调查和研究,希望能比较客观真实地描述大 庸阳戏目前的现状,增加对大庸阳戏的感性认识,为其传承和保护做一些基础性 的工作,亦为笔者进一步研究打下基础。 关键词 中国传统音乐; 地方戏曲; 土家族艺术; 大庸阳戏;金线吊葫芦。 Ab Abstract Abstract Dayongyangxi is a part of traditional Chinese opera,it is a playlet which is very popular in Zhangjiajie. Dayongyangxi is a drama evolved from t he folk songs and dances ,and it has went through many businesses’ transformative stages of formation, evolution and development, including the periods of Er xiao (clown, XiaoDan), San xiao (clown, XiaoDan, niche) and so on. Dayongyangxi absorbed different kinds of elements such as ballads, festival lanterns and NuoXi .Dayongyangxi plays an important role in Tujia culture arround Zhangjiajie. This thesis bases on the ecological environment, brief history, and inheriting lineage of Dayongyangxi . It is trying to analyze its raotary methods, tone, rhythm beats, singing and accompaniment music and so on, and elaborate its unique arts in cavity characteristics and singing voice skills. The author made a great number of interviews with experienced actors and troupes, and also described the current situation of Dayongyangxi truly and objectively. Therefore, the thesis aims at enhancing people’s perception of this unique art and doing some preparations for Dayongyangxi’s protection and succession, and also assisting further research. Key words Chinese traditional music;Local opera;Tujiazu art;Dayongyangxi; Gold thread hanging gourd。 目 目 录 目 录 绪论??????????????????????????????1 第一节 研究目的与意义???????????????????1 第二节 研究现状与方法???????????????????2 第一章 大庸阳戏的自然文化环境及发展??????????????5 第一节 自然文化环境????????????????????5 第二节 大庸阳戏简史????????????????????6 第三节 传承谱系??????????????????????7 第二章 大庸阳戏的音乐特征 ??????????????????13 第一节 唱腔??



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