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第三部分;虚无中的探索者 e 分析毛姆精神探索的实质和毛姆的总想。对 1 现 实人生毛姆是持悲观主义态度的!他得出的结论就是:人生威无.造成这样的略党的 原因是人受到本能神秘情感的支配,从而对人生产生疑问进而否定.对这种状态的 解决办法也只能借助另种神秘在种神秘的体验中将这种疑阅平复也是借助这 样的神秘体验完成对人生的去敲存真 突现自我的任务. 通过对毛姆精神探索的分析 我们更真实地了解了盛骨下的真实的毛姆,他是 一个复杂悚刻的圣哲,,人物 对人生有独到自认识和参悟.不同于传统作家的是, 毛树是一个情感型的作家,从他的探索过程可以看出 毛姆是个规庭情感同时又是 一个以情感为归宿的悖论的人物.他回避否定世俗的情础,但是又找到种神秘的情 感作为解决主撞 a 情理事是贯穿毛姆探索的 条主线z 世俗情串串使人处于孤独之填本 能情感使人胧离社会之外,超脱的情/Ij使人重新找到生存的庸觉和意义真正实现了 自我. 关键词s 毛饵精神探索榈锁自囱超脱 卦提号: 1106.4 2 TRANSPARENCY AFTER THE COMPLETE COMPREHENSION 一一一-MAUGHAM S SPIRITUAL EXPLORATION Tl IEME ABSTRACT S地iritual exploration is a11 alo鸣 an important 阳时 in t挝、阳在 literatuTe. Sinω 由e individual emancipating 执幽幽饵sed during the Renaissance ,seeking spiritualJ y had be:ome 由,附US of wri饵rs. Gener tion after g缸teration,the weslem writers have brcn seeking for hurnan the various ways of 盹创刑ritual home. The 田ditional cullUre of westem was therefore interp 悦。d and criticized in different ways. Maugham ,in the middle of the traditional reali皿】町1 m旧d 口nism ,towards the traditi Otlalωh町C, hlld a mìxed attitude----negating 明白 resetvatio皿 In a word ,it wasωol-headed ret1ection. He tried 10 ,地a balance 创I h皿nony between the reality and mental 响。rld what to him was the idcal 血te. what m叫也 him unique was lhat be! a new parad出 in his mind beyond the traditional w邸tern culture and started a whole uew way of Hfe Here Maugh缸ns individual process of seeking is analyzed. The 、袖。le paper can be divided into three parts ζbapter 1: the lonely one with great honor. In this part Maughams expcrien?e 01 life, feelings of being and his ideal are allalyzed. As a man 创lce expenenc创础1 kinds of hardships ,he sutfered great Ilgony Ilnd loneliness,which were beyond 曲。 understanding of ordin缸 y people ,也ωgh he enjoyed the enviable reputation and success. In shor! h 叽 as a lonely one with great honor. He is ju恼t a bystander of life,looking calmly on others joys and sorrows,not involving their ordinary lives. This way of life could n陆ke il possible I()f him to refle



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