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摘 要 储蓄存款合同纠纷是司法实践中较为多见的一种合同纠纷。由于我国《合同 法》对存款合同没有专门规定,给这类纠纷案件的法律适用带来了一定的难度, 而其中尤以因存款被冒领所引发的纠纷案件的责任认定最具争议性和典型性,储 蓄存款被冒领后引起的储蓄存款纠纷的民事责任是需要重点探讨的问题。 存款被冒领是此类储蓄存款纠纷的原因行为,对由此引发的民事责任的认定 有直接的影响。从存款得以冒领的原因上,可将存款冒领行为分为利用真实的存 款信息伪造凭证冒领存款、利用真实的存款信息和凭证冒领存款及利用不当挂失 冒领存款等三大类。而由此引发的纠纷具有主体的多元性、法律关系的双重性、 程序上的交叉性、因果联系的重合性等特性,表明此类纠纷所涉及的责任问题较 为复杂。 研究民事责任的落脚点在确定责任。该文综合运用利益衡量的方法论、合同 的一般性原理及违约责任理论,通过对储蓄存款冒领纠纷的责任认定中的价值取 向、储蓄合同的性质、归责原则、责任构成、责任竞合、承担责任的方式等系列 问题的系统探讨,倡导优先保护储户利益的价值取向,将储蓄合同定性为消费借 贷,实行严格责任的归责原则,并以违约行为为违约责任的惟一构成要件,否定 在存款冒领纠纷案件中存在责任竞合的情形。从而确定储蓄存款冒领后的责任认 定规则为:对存款被冒领后金融机构因此拒付存款的,由金融机构承担违约责任, 但储户的过错构成存款被冒领之原因时,则应根据原因力的大小减轻或免除金融 机构的责任。 最后,民事责任的认定难以回避程序运作机制问题。这类案件应定性为合同 纠纷案件而非侵权纠纷案件。依合同的相对性原理,冒领人和异地付款的金融机 构不能成为此类纠纷的正当主体。“刑民交叉”、“先刑后民”、诉讼中止均应以审 理案件需要为条件,并审慎而定。 关键词:储蓄合同 民事责任 存款冒领 先刑后民 ABSTRACT Savings deposit contract is one kind of quite common contract dispute in judicial practice. Because of no specific provisions for deposits in our Contract Law, it makes the application of law of the kind of case become difficult, among which the confirmation of responsibility caused by fraudulently receiving savings deposit is the most dispute and typical. The article intends to study on the civil liability of fraudulently receiving savings deposit. It is the main cause that makes the kind of case that depositors were received fraudulently, and that is direct impact with civil responsibility caused by this. From the causes that deposit was fraudulently received, we can classify the behavior of fraudulently receiving as 2 parts: information forging documents to the use of real deposits Depositors, depositors’ use of real deposits and certificates of deposit information, improper use of deposits accepted Depositors and so on. On the basis of this, we can find that the disputes caused by this are diversity, the dual nature of the legal relationship, procedure overlapping, coincidence causal link and so on, which shows that the responsibility caused by this is more complicated. The purpose of


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