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I I 摘 要 地役权是一种古老的用益物权,其发端于罗马法,并相继为大陆法系及英美法 系的主要国家所接受。地役权虽然曾一度沉寂,但在当今社会又焕发出青春,以其 权利内容的包容性在不动产物权中扮演着重要角色,发挥着独特的功能。基于地役 权在调节不动产利用方面的重要意义,我国《物权法》对其进行了规定,以弥补相 邻权的不足。本文采用法理分析、历史考察及比较分析等方法,对地役权制度进行 了系统而深入的研究,并立足于我国地役权立法现状,运用基本理论和历史考察的 成果,结合我国国情,指出了我国地役权立法的成功之处和不足之处,并提出自己 针对性建议。 本文首先阐述了地役权制度的基本理论,对地役权的概念和特征进行了阐述, 为进一步加深对地役权的理解,介绍了地役权的分类;结合地役权的内涵,阐述地 役权的价值功能;为避免地役权与相邻权的混淆,先导出地役权与相邻权的两种立 法模式,然后对地役权与相邻权作出了比较。其次,文章考察世界各国的地役权立 法,先介绍地役权起源于罗马法,指出罗马法地役权对后世地役权立法产生了深远 的影响;对大陆法系主要国家与英美法系中的地役权立法进行了考察,并比较了大 陆法系和英美法系地役权制度的区别;在前面考察的基础上,阐述了当代地役权制 度的发展。最后,本文针对我国地役权制度的完善提出了相关建议,对我国地役权 立法现状进行了分析,并在此基础上,指出了我国地役权立法的模式、制度内容等 诸多成功之处;探讨了我国地役权制度的不足之处,并针对性的提出了自己的建议。 关键词:地役权 相邻权 立法考察 完善 II II Abstract The Servitude is a traditional type of the usufructuary right。It originated Roman law and was been accepted by the civil law and the common law. Although it has been neglected for a long time, it glows well in nowadays. It plays an important role in the Security law of real estate for its inclusive of the right, and brings a function into play. As the important means of cooperate the use of the Security law of real estate, The PRC property law ruled the Servitude system in order to cover the shortages of the Adjacent right. This paper adopts some analysis methods such as legal principle, history inspecting and comparative analysis to study the Servitude system systematically and deeply. Besides, the paper points the successes and shortages in the Servitude legislation connecting our national condition and put forward author’s opinions on the base of current legislation situation. The thesis analysis basic theories about the Servitude Firstly, it expounds the concept and characters, and introduces the classification; it expounds the value and function titled the connotation of the Servitude; it draws and compares two legislation modes as the Servitude and the Adjacent right avoiding confound.Then, the thesis inspects the legislations about the Servitude in other countries , introduces that the Servitu


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