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I I 地理环境对日本园林设计的影响 中文摘要 地理环境对日本园林设计的影响 中文摘要 地理环境作为一项重要的客观物质基础,在一定程度上塑造了一个民族独有的地 域文化特色。在人类历史的发展过程中,不同民族由于受到不同的自然地理环境、政 治经济条件和文化宗教形态的影响,形成各自不同的审美意识和文化取向。就地理自 然条件而言,日本是太平洋西北部的一个孤悬岛国,国土面积狭小,矿产资源匮乏, 自然灾害频发,气候条件复杂。特殊的地理环境影响下,使得日本逐步形成大和民族 独有的文化特征和精神性格。而这种特征,又潜移默化作用于园林设计中,形成了尊 重自然,崇拜海洋,精细严谨,浓缩抽象、单纯凝练的形式特征,作品中也往往透露 出质朴简素的洗练之美与枯寂空的禅宗意境。 本文以日本园林作为研究对象,分析独特地理环境下的日本地域文化特征。再由 日本文化谈到作为艺术重要载体形式的日本园林艺术,浅论岛国独特文化对于日本园 林的历史发展、形式特征、精神气质、细部构造之影响,再列举日本枯山水庭园、茶 庭园和当代园林中三个典型园林实例进行细节的剖析以充实论据,论文最后提出日本 园林对当前园林设计的借鉴启示,以及对当前设计现状的反思。 关键字:地理环境 日本 地域文化 园林设计 作 者:孙晓白 指导老师:王泽猛 II II Abstract The influence of geographical environment on the Japanese garden design The influence of geographical environment on the Japanese garden design Abstract Geographical environment as an important objective material basis , to a certain extent, shaping a nation s unique cultural characteristics . In the process of development of human history , different ethnic groups due to different natural and geographical environment , the impact of political and economic conditions, cultural and religious forms , form their own distinct aesthetic sense and cultural orientation . On the aspect of geography , Japan is a lonely island in the Pacific Northwest where lacks mineral resources and natural disasters happen frequently. However the complicated weather conditions and its special geographical environment give Japan unique cultural characteristics of ethnic and spiritual character, at meantime, role in its garden design , which are nature respect , ocean worship , fine rigorous, concentrated abstract , simple features concise, the works are often revealing brief and Zen mood. The research object of this paper is Japanese garden, to analyze the unique features of Japanese culture and geography environment. From Japanese culture to garden art, discussing the influence that historical cultural development of Japanese landscape, form, atmosphere and detail, then use Japanese dry landscape garden , tea garden and contemporary gar


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