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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
Transformers are a crucial component of electric power transmission and distribution, the stability of energy network from Power plants and substations are directly dependents on the controlled operating large high-voltage transformers. The status of the transformer is regularly reported through online-monitoring, contributing to the consistency of Power Plants and substations by observing, analyzing all data collected, ultimately diagnosing any possible hazards discovered.
The main object of this paper is the Gezhouba Hydro Power Plant transformer unit. The transformer and power unit working status and operating conditions are all linked. Using the Gezhouba Hydro Power Plant optimal maintenance system(HOMS) platform, combined with the transformer on-line monitoring system, carried out a comprehensive analysis of transformer.
Firstly, summarize the transformer monitoring information and analysis method. Secondly in Gezhouba Hydropower Plant Optimal maintenance system(HOMS) platform, based on the different characteristics of different monitoring information, combination of data mining and knowledge discovery process, extracts useful data from mass monitoring data. Finally establishment of operation analysis system for the operating personnel which is based on HOMS, realizes running reports, visual analysis, online/offline tools, etc. so that operating personnel can take the convenience to go on data analysis. Do research in basic law of transformer heating and cooling, relationship between transformer core earth current and transformer fault. Referring to the operating conditions, the transformer oil temperature and core earth current were analyzed respectively. Due to the result, the relationship between transformer oil temperature and ambient temperature and generator apparent power are worked out qualitatively, a certain relationship of transformer core earth current and generator apparent power and generator terminal
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