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四川 四川美术学院硕士学位论文 英文摘要 万方数据 万方数据 change relatively neglected and marginalized prints presence status , restoring pioneer engravings in the field of humanities arts community spirit and academic value of cultural tensions of contemporary printmaking is a large college challenge, but also college prints to go college as the ultimate goal of expression. Institute of Contemporary Art Printmaking Institute of Contemporary Printmaking health education as an important part of the development , its mode there are problems can not be ignored . Old abandoned in teaching indoctrination and teachers experience teaching mode , grasp the emerging academic, and experimental art prints and marginalization college exploration to be accurate analysis and positioning , on which new ideas, expressive language and mental point into contemporary big art environment in a theoretical analysis and dynamic understanding of generalization , so that teaching can be the successor of contemporary printmaking good tradition of excellent teaching experience , but also with an open mind to accept domestic and international contemporary absorption excellent prints research, teaching principles of academic freedom advocates .A former Beijing university president, Mr cai yuanpei said: his own doctrine , can not be bound to others ; while others doctrine , nor bind their own . Keywords: Printmaking ,Printmaking Education ,Problems and Countermeasures. III 四川美术学院硕士学位论文 四川美术学院硕士学位论文 目录 1万方数据 1 万方数据 目 录 中文摘要Ⅰ 英文摘要Ⅱ 第 1 章 绪论1 1.1 研究的意义1 1.2 研究的现状 1 1.2.1 国外的研究概述1 1.2.2 国内的研究概述1 1.3 研究目的和研究内容2 1.3.1 研究目的2 1.3.2 研究内容3 第 2 章版画教育的嬗变及“学院版画”的提出. .. ... .. 4 2.1 中国古版画教育的发展 . . ... 4 2.2 新兴木刻版画教育的发展 ...4 2.3 建国后版画教育模式的发展 5 2.4 “学院版画”概念的提出6 第 3 章“学院版画”教学模式研究8 3.1“具有创新性的”中央美术学院教学模式8 3.2“现实精神”与“民族化”的守护人--中国美术学院版画教育模式.. .. . . .. ... .. 11 3.3 “现实”下的广州美术学院教学模式 . 12 第 4 章“学院版画”教学的问题与对策 .15 4.1 版画教育中的师生关系 15 4.2 版画教育中技术与艺术的关系16 4.3 版画教育课程设置与教材的问题及对策 . 17 第 5 章 结论 ...19 致谢 20 注释 .. 21 参考文献22 附录23 四川美术学院硕士学位论文 四



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