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硕 士 学 位 论 文 公民个人信息的刑法保护研究 Research on Criminal Protection of Personal Information 作 者 姓 名: 马丙合 指 导 教 师: 任海涛 西 南 政 法 大 学 Southwest University of Political Science and Law 1 1 2 2 内容摘要 随着信息时代的到来,信息技术对人类社会产生了广泛而深刻的影响,个人信息在 社会生活中的地位日益重要。如何保障个人信息安全,已成为各国必须面对的难题。 本文在简要介绍个人信息的基本概念之后,从我国个人信息保护的客观需要、刑法 人性化的发展要求和个人信息刑法保护的国际化趋势三个方面论证了将个人信息纳入 刑法保障范围的必要性,从而指出若不将个人信息纳入刑法保障的范围,一切对个人信 息保护的探索和立法实践都是徒劳。 进而,对我国现行刑法对个人信息的保护进行了述评,重点对认定非法获取、提供、 出售、窃取个人信息罪成立有争议的难点内容进行了分析,提出了此罪的客体为以个人 信息控制权为基本内容的隐私权,指出此罪的主体为一般主体,对此罪的客观要件特别 是“情节严重”的具体标准进行了探讨,并对认定此罪与相关犯罪竞合时的罪数问题进 行了探讨。 最后,总结梳理了现行刑法在保护个人信息上的种种缺陷,从司法和立法两个角度 提出了完善个人信息刑法保护的建议:尽快出台司法解释,平息认定非法获取、提供、 出售、窃取个人信息罪成立的争议,做到司法标准的统一;在制定个人信息保护法时将 具有罪状和法定型的真正意义的附属刑法纳入其中。 Abstract With the advent of the Information Age, information technology is exerting an increasingly extensive and profound impact upon the human society. Individual information, as the carrier of people’s existence, interaction, and development in the society, has become a growing importance in people’s social life. How to protect individual information has turned into a problem that all countries have to encounter. This thesis briefly starts with the basic concepts of individual information and intends to expound on the necessity of bringinng individual information into the scope of criminal guarantee from three aspects: 1) the objective demand of individual information protection in our country, 2) the development requirement of the hunmanization of criminal law, and 3) the internatonal tendency of individual information protection in the field criminal law. This argumentation is aimed to demonstrate that the criminal law is the basic guarantee of all Acts, and were individual information not brought into the scope of crimianl guarantee, all the exploration and legislation of individual information protection would be in vain. Accordingly what follows next is the commentary of individual information protection in the field of criminal law in our country, the emphasis of which is laid


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