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摘 要
健康权作为一种新兴的、正在发展之中的法律权利,得到越来越多人的认同 国际社会开始用立法和法律解释等方法对健康权加以确认。但是有关健康权的一 些基础理论,比如健康权的概念、特征、性质等,学界还未达成共识。同时,国 家作为公民健康权实现的主要义务主体这一理论尚未得到系统论证。本文就这些 论题进行了探讨和研究,从法学理论上概括、充实健康权,从法律上确认、保障 健康权,对于健全法律体系、保护公民健康、促进社会协调持续发展均具有重要 的理论意义和现实意义。
论文分为四章:第一章介绍了健康权的概念、特征与性质、内容及其衡量标 准。第二章论述了健康权与国家义务的关系。指出:个人与国家之间的关系是宪 政的基本问题。人与人之间基于维护天赋人权而形成的社会契约已成为现代国家 的逻辑前提。国家本身不是目的,国家的基本任务是保障人的自由,人在国家里 处于中心的位置。国家的基本属性是服务性的,其拥有公权力的前提和目的都是 基于它对国家成员即公民的义务。在国家与公民的关系上,公民是享有人权的主 体,国家是保障人权的主体,是义务的承担者。第三章理论联系实际,具体分析 了我国现阶段健康权保护取得的成就和存在的问题,以及造成这些问题的原因所 在。第四章提出了完善我国公民健康权保障机制的一些建议。针对存在的问题提 出应借鉴外国立法经验,在宪法上明确提出健康权;完善相关立法规定,确立具 体健康权;继续完善我国的卫生保健体系,建立公共卫生的长效机制和应急机制 实行公平的卫生政策;加强国民健康教育,确保公民健康权得以实现。
The right to health is not only such a kind of social fundamental rights that a series of international human right laws confirm and secure, but also such a constitutional right that most countrys constitutions have confirmed. The right to health is a very hot issue disputed since it came into being, the focus of argument are principally what the right to health is, how to protect it, whether it can be reviewed or not and so on.
This thesis is mainly about the realization of citizens’ right to health and its national duty. The first part of the thesis introduces the definition the right to health and its contents, character, criteria. In the second part the relationship between the right to health and the obligation of the nation or the government is discussed. In this part, the author points out that to assure the right to health is the duty or obligation of a nation or government. Social contract that is formed because people need to safeguard the inborn human rights has become the logic premise on which modern states were founded. States is not an aim in itself, the countrys basic task is to protect the freedom of people who are in the central position of a country. In the relationship between the State and its citizens, the