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上海交大学硕士学位论文摘要 上海交大学硕士学位论文 摘要 第 第 I 页 低压永磁同步电机驱动器设计与研制 摘 要 真空机械手负责在集束型整机设备各个工艺腔室之间传输晶圆, 是集束型设备的核心部件之一。真空机械手采用低压大间隙直驱电机 驱动,对驱动器的接口和性能有特殊的要求,普通商用驱动单元难以 满足其要求。自行设计高性能的电机驱动器对真空机械手的运行平稳 性和可靠性具有重要的意义。 本文以低压大间隙直驱电机为控制对象,针对其驱动特点,设计 了一款低压永磁同步电机的伺服驱动器。首先建立了永磁同步电机的 数学模型,以直轴电流 id = 0 为控制策略、SVPWM矢量控制为驱动方 式确立了驱动器系统的总体方案。其次以高性能数字控制器DSP为核 心,实现了多路开关电源模块、三相逆变器模块、线电流检测模块、 转子位置检测模块、通讯模块等硬件电路设计,驱动器同时具有防浪 涌启动电路、过压过流保护和泄放电路等保护电路。驱动器软件实现 上,采用模块化的设计方法,编写通讯程序、转子位置检测程序、转 子位置初始化程序、PID调节器程序、SVPWM矢量控制程序等功能 模块,实现电流环内环,速度环外环的双闭环矢量控制系统。基于系 统总体方案和软硬件设计方案,研制了驱动器原理性样机。最后搭建 了低压永磁直驱电机测试平台,对所设计的驱动器进行性能测试。实 验表明所设计的低压永磁同步电机驱动器能够完成对低压永磁直驱 第 第 II 页 电机的可靠控制,并能满足相关性能指标要求,为进一步研发大间隙 直驱电机驱动器提供了基础。 关键词:低压永磁同步电机,驱动器,空间矢量 PWM,矢量控制, DSP 上海交大学硕士学位论文AB 上海交大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT 第 第 PAGE IV 页 The Design and Realization of Driver for Low-voltage PMSM ABSTRACT Vacuum robot is in charge of transferring the wafer from one craft chamber to another of cluster tools, it is one of the most important parts in the cluster tools. Vacuum robot is driven by low-voltage permanent magnet direct drive motor with large gap between rotor and stator, which has a special demand on its driver’s interface and performance, so the common commercial drivers don’t meet the demand. Designing a high performance motor driver plays an important role to make the vacuum robot work stable and reliable. The dissertation takes low-voltage permanent magnet direct drive motor with large gap between rotor and stator as an object, in view of its features, a low-voltage permanent-magnet synchronous motor’s sevo driver is designed. First, the model of PMSM is established and the driver’s the whole scheme is established based on the control strategy of Id=0 and the drive mode of SVPWM vector control. Then, using a high performance digital controller DSP as kernel, the driver’s hardware is designed of switched power supply module, three phase inverter module, current inspection module, rotor position detection module and RS232 communication module etc. The driv



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