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第 13 卷 第 1 期 湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版) Vol.13 No.1 2012 年 2 月 Journal of Hunan Agricultural University (Social Sciences) Feb. 2012 日本茶道的四大文化元素 陆留弟 (华东师范大学 外国语学院,上海 200241 ) 摘 要:日本茶道讲究摈弃悦乐甘于苦寂,潜心探究精神修炼之道。型、气、美、禅是其独特的四大文化元素。 “型”为了摸索“道”而存在,是茶人通过百般冥思才能抵达的无形的茶道规则和境界;“气”是指主人和客人 在茶室中对彼此的用心,以“一期一会”精神为最终形象,隐现了人与人相互尊重的精神;“美”是指原本不那 么起眼的实用性茶具中所散发出的不拘泥、不刻意、不修饰的自然之美;“禅”是指从茶的感官特质、饮茶氛围 或心境来看,茶与禅的静寂、幽玄、枯淡特性的相融相合。 关 键 词:日本茶道;文化元素;型;气;美;禅 中图分类号:S571.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-2013(2012)01-0058-08 Four cultural elements of the Japanese “way of tea” LU Liu-di (School of Foreign Languages, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China) Abstract: The Japanese “way of tea” takes a negative stance toward the concept of “pleasure”, and has a strong tendency to elevate the inner life; hence four cultural elements in the Japanese “way of tea” are formed: form, atmosphere, art, and Zen thought. Among the four elements, “form” exists for exploring “the way”, and it is a practice intending to search the tangible and intangible realm of rules through various tea ceremony of contemplation; “atmosphere” means the host and guest in the tearoom respect each other, which suggests the spirit of mutual respect among people; “art” stands for the natural beauty of practical tea vessels which is informal, without elaboration or adornment; Zen thought, viewing from the sensory quality of tea, the air where people drink tea and people’s mind ,tea infiltrates with the subtle, solitude, “Kudan(dull and plain)” of Zen. Key words: form; atmosphere; beauty; art elements; Japanese “way of tea” 茶源于中国。自古以来,


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