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究过程中使用了供应链管理、金融工程、系统工程、产业组织理论,运筹学、风险分析与决 究过程中使用了供应链管理、金融工程、系统工程、产业组织理论,运筹学、风险分析与决 策等诸多学科的内容和工具.并根据研究目标的需要和研究对象的特点,致力于寻求多学科 与供应链管理有机结合,为国际供应链定价协调研究提供了新方法和新思路,获得了一些具 有理论价值和实际意义的成果。丰富了国际供应链定价的研究内容,拓展了国际供应链定价 协调的研究范围,具有重要的理论和实践意义. 关键词:浮动汇率制度,国际供应链,协调。定价,价格折扣 Ⅱ 中英文摘要Abstract 中英文摘要 Abstract With the development of the science and technology progressing,market competition becoming more intense,demand of enBSUUlCI$changing and economy globalization speeding up, more and咖c enterprises adopt internationalization strategy to compete globally.The fact that many famous international enterprises have made much progtcas during the practice of supply chain management(sC^D makes it fmnly believed that SCM is efficient management pattern for enterprises.Howevm,inⅡm试岵international supply chain Osc),enterprises still have many problems tO be settled urgently,such勰difficuity of coordination between upstream and downstream enterprises,profits allocation,the entirely supply chain resource allocation efficiency and OIL At the same time,many failure cases of implementing ISC show that how successfully taking。part in ISC and how to get synergy by coordination with other cntc|pfis姻in the ISC are the most difficult issues. Based the coordination,the difficulty of the practicing of ISC and the important fact of pficing between the buyer and seller,the franle and the effect of coordination in the determinate case.stochastic ca∞and the market environment are studied.The guidance to the pricing coordination of ISC is provided.The research of the present dissertation has great academic and practical significance in the of SCM.The main studies in this dissertation follows: 1.The main factors of environment,which has influence the pricing coordination of ISC,are analyzed.Onthebaseoftheessenceofvolatilityofexchange rate,theinfluenceofenvironment factors the volatility of exchange rate well as the ideology of many research,the key issue of the pficing coordination of ISC under float exchange rate re



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