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基于AMES im-AD AMS联合仿真的高铁救
刘永刘晓晓张雷雷赵延治于跃于跃斌 中车齐齐哈尔车辆有限公司大连研发中心 燕山大学 机械工程学院中车齐齐哈尔车辆有限公司
针对普通铁路救援起重机单支腿承载力过大和支腿系统均载特性差,无法完成 高架桥环境下高铁救援任务的问题,提出了一种新型多支腿系统,即在普通起 重机4支腿基础上引入4条辅助支腿。同时针对该多支腿系统的结构特点设计出 了单排腿主动控制和多支腿主动控制两种主动均载控制方案,在ADAMS和 AMESim中分别建立了支腿系统的多体动力学模型和液压与控制系统模型,最后 建立了机液耦合仿真环境。通过联合仿真模拟救援起重机支腿系统的工作情况, 利用仿真结果对比分析了两种均载控制方案对支腿液压系统动态特性的影响。研 究结果表明:多支腿主动控制技术能够有效降低单支腿承载力,明显改善了支腿 系统的均载特性,同时仿真结果能够为高铁救援起重机支腿系统的设计和优化 提供参考。
关键词: 铁路起重机;多支撑结构;机液耦合仿真;均载特性;
作者简介:刘永(1973-),男,黑龙江拜泉人,硕士研究生,高级工程师,主 要从事起重运输机械方面的研究。E-mail:cocool_6@163. com
Load sharing of multi-braced strueture of high speed railway wreck crane based on AMESim-ADAMS coupling Simulation
LIU Yong LlUXiao-xiao ZHANGLei-lei ZHAOYan-zhi
YU Yue YU Yue-bin
Dalian rd center of CRRC Qiqihar Vehicle Limited
Corporation; College of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University; CRRC Qiqihar Vehicle Limited Corporation;
Aiming at the problem of ordinary railway wreck crane without the capacity of rescue on the high speed railway because of the heavy load of singlc leg and the poor load sharing performance, a multi-braced structure of wreck crane-having 4 more legs than usual cranefor high speed railway was proposed. Considering its special structure, two active control strategy-1imiting the maximum pressure of al 1 1egs and of 1egs on one side-arc designed.Multi-body dynamic models built in ADAMS, hydraulic models and control system models built in AMESim of the multi-braced system cooperate on hydraulic-mechanical coupling Simulation. The impact of two active control strategy on dynamic characteristics of the hydraulic system of the mul ti -braced structure are emalyzed and compared under the simulative working condition of Wreck Cranc.The results of simulation show that the control strategy-limiting all legs maximum pressure-is feasible and direct the optimization design of multi-braced structure.
railway erane; multi-braced structure; hydraulic-mech