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Week 7 Online Shopping 第七周总结 每周自测答案---------------------------------------------------第2页 口语基础能力提升---------------------------------------------第4页 美剧语境英文---------------------------------------------------第8页 老友记经典台词-----------------------------------------------第11页 xx庄园经典台词--------------------------------------------第19页 选做语音--------------------------------------------------------第26页 每周自测 一. 主题口语 1.至少说出与网购相关的8个单词,包括物流,付款,送达,快递,包裹等。 参考答案: deliver;payment;shipment;courier;insurance;confirmation;guarantee; package 2. 翻译下列句子 1)这几本书什么时候能寄到? 2)我还没收到你的付款。 3)有邮寄的物流号吗? 4)我有过糟糕的网购经验,所以现在挺小心的。 5)我三天前就把你的包裹送到邮局了。 6)我在哪能买运输保险? 7)我查了邮件,但是没收到你的确认。 8)你能确保我会在下周五之前收到它吗? 参考答案: 1) When will the books be delivered? 2) I havent received your payment for the item. 3) Is there a shipping number for the shipment? 4) Im a little cautious because Ive had bad experiences with buying things online. 5) I dropped off your package at the post office three days ago. 6) Where can I buy shipping insurance? 7) I checked my email, but I havent received a confirmation from you. 8) Can you guarantee that I will receive the item by next Friday? 二.短语时间 本周我们从老友记中学到了5个常用的表达方式,我们把5个原句为大家再次列出来,同学们来用这5个常用语每个造一个句子吧。 1.?Chandler, Im unemployed and in dire need of a project. 2.?Now our Neil must decide who will be the girl that he casts aside. 3.?But when Phoebe has a problem, everyone’s all ears! 4.?I’ve been doing this ten years and I haven’t gotten anywhere. 5.?I couldn’t help but overhear what you just said, and I think it’s time for you to forget about Rose, move on with your life. 参考答案: 1. The United Nations estimates up to six million people in Iraq are in dire need of help because of years of violence and economic hardship. 由于连年战乱和经济困难,联合国预计超过六百万的伊拉克人民急需帮助。 2. Do not cast aside the love of truth. 不要抛弃对真理的热爱。 3. The children were all ears when Granny told them stories. 奶奶讲故事的时候,孩子们都全神贯注地听着。 4. Youll never get anywhere in your job unless you reach up to the highest position in the firm and take steps to


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