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高级英语第9课奥巴马演讲教案 篇一:高级英语第一册第九课课后习题答案 Translation: 1. Tom was much bit as bright as the top student in his class. 2. He was obsessed with fear of poverty. 3. Donating Lake teems with fish and shrimps. 4. Under such pressure, he had no other choice but quit office. 5. A lot of children succumbed to small pox then. 6. Much to his horror, he found the cabin flooded. 7. Not until midnight did the surgeon finish the operation. 8. That’s Peter all over. 9. The history course has acquainted me with ancient civilization. 10. The pursuits and problems of the young people find full expression in the new play. Paraphrase: 1. Because his literary works such as two novels about Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are loved by Americans, who imagine he was adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous. 2. In his new profession he could meet people of all kinds. 3. All would reappear in his books together with the colorful language that he took in with a good memory that seemed to be able to record things like a phonograph. 4. Steamboat decks were mainly filled with people of pioneering spirit and also lawless people or social outcasts such as hustlers, gamblers and thugs. 5. He took a horse-drawn public vehicle and went west to Nevada, following the flow of people in the Gold Rush. 6. Mark Twain began working hard to become well known locally as a newspaper reporter and humorist. 7. Those who came pioneering out west were energetic, courageous and reckless people, because those who stayed at home were slow, dull and lazy people. 8. That’s typical of California. 9. If we relaxed, rested or stayed away from this entire crazy struggle for success occasionally and kept the daring and enterprising spirit, we would be able to remain strong and healthy and continue to produce great thinkers. 10. At the end of his life, he lost the last bit of his positive view of man and the world. 篇二:高级英语上第9课 The Trouble with Television It


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