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ABSTRACTThiS ABSTRACT ThiS thesiS tries to find out the function of Xuchi in the development of“temple style”in Liang dynastY. The text falls into three parts.The first part iS the principle activities in Xu Chi’S life,in this part the writer hackles the year of birth and death。the time to be Ping Xi Fu Zhong Ji Shi and An Bei Zhong Lu Shi Can Jun,and reinstates the time and reason for him to be Xin An Tai Shou:The second part observes the asSOCiation between Xu Chi and other poets of“temple style”.It says that Xiao Gang highly respected and was deeply influenced by Xu Chi in 1iterary ideas,which established his special position in the group of“temple style”and the lead in the wri℃ing:The third part involves the function of Xu Chi’S poems in the development of“temple style”in Liang dynasty.It analyses Xu Chi’S poems and concludes that the meaning of his“new change”style are the combination between Yflan]ia and Yong Ming,pointing out that he followed the refinement and show of Yong Ming and made an important impact on Xiao Gang and other poets of“temple style”.However,comparing with Yong Ming,he obtained a breakthrough in contents of poems,that was,he moved hiS sight to women.which led to the‘‘female”characteristie of“temple style”in Liang dynasty. To a certain extent,thiS thesiS can probably help US to understand the“temple style”in Liang dynasty. Key words:Xu Chi “temple style”in Liang dynasty development function 11 刖 刖 吾 徐搞,字士秀,东海郯人,生于宋明帝泰始七年(471),卒于大宝二年(551), 是梁代宫体诗创作群体中的一位重要人物。 梁宫体是南朝诗坛继宋元嘉体和齐永明体之后的第三大诗体,“宫体”之名 起于徐擒。《梁书·徐搞传》:“王入为皇太子,(擒)转家令,兼掌管记,寻带 领直。擒文体既别,春坊尽学之。‘宫体’之号,自斯而起。”可见宫体的产生 和徐搞有直接的关系。徐擒是宫体诗派核心人物萧纲的老师,自萧纲7岁入其幕 府,以后大半生追随萧纲,在萧纲的成长过程中起到了重要作用。他不仅教给萧 纲立身之道,更重要的是在引导萧纲认识到当时文学创作盼不足,形成自己独特 的文学观念。徐摘为人特立独行,不拘泥于传统观念,他的创作对此前的宋元嘉 体和齐永明体做了有机融合,既有永明式的精致艳丽也有元嘉式的情思抒发;此 外他的创作对象突破了永明体以咏物为主的限制,涉及到了女性。徐擒的创作风 格对萧纲等梁代宫体诗人产生了重要影响,梁代宫体从前期的自由发展至怕成一 体以及后来风靡一代诗坛并对后世产生深远影响,徐擒的作用不容忽视。 但是历代对梁代宫体研究的焦点大都集中在皇太子萧纲身上,另以东富文士 的创作作为支撑,对徐搞多强调他的仁正忠勇,对他在梁代宫体形成过程中所起 的作用很少做详细分析,这或许是徐搞流传下来的作品有限的缘故



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