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PAGE 1 论文题目 : 锂离子电池制浆工艺 年 级 : 应用化工专业 院 系 :生物与环境工程学院 学生姓名 : 指导教师 : 20 年 月 摘 要 新型清洁能源的探索与发展不仅仅是对科学技术界的大挑战,也是对电化学的大挑战。为了替代石油,煤炭等传统能源,人类开始利用无污染的可持续自然能源如风能、太阳能等。但是,由于太阳能和风能都是间隙能源,有太阳有风才有电。用电池储能,构建分散能源才是最好的解决方案。现有的可充电持有铅酸电池、镉镍电池、金属氢化物镍电池和锂电池四种。其中锂电池具有环境适应性好、高比能、高安全性和小型轻量化的自身优势,这是其他电池所没有的。 随着锂离子电池的发展,对电池性能的要求也越来越高了,决定电池性能最关键的就是电池的涂覆问题了,说到电池的涂覆我们自然而然的想到了电池的制浆问题,可以说一个电池的好坏有90%的决定因素在粉浆。粉浆的配方,分散的均匀度以及过程控制是最最关键的因素。而目前制浆工艺主要分为干混法制浆跟湿混法制浆,目前应用比较成熟的是湿法制浆,在本论文里将着重讨论湿法制浆的工艺问题。包括原材料的选择,操作过程,工艺文件的解读。质量监控以及浆料做完后检验分析。 关键词:新能源;储能;锂离子电池;制浆 Abstract In the 21st century, with the rapid development of human society, the original mineral energy will soon dry, it is human consensus. To solve the increasingly serious energy crisis and environmental pollution is imminent. However, the traditional energy shortage and pollution, is not only improve energy efficiency and pollution emission standard. To explore the new development of clean energy is the effective way to solve the problem. With the development of lithium-ion battery, the battery performance requirements are increasingly high, the decision is the most critical battery performance battery coating problem, we coated the battery comes natural to think of the battery problem pulp , a battery is good or bad can be said that 90% of the determinants of the slip. Batter recipe, distributed uniformity and process control is the most critical factor. The pulping process is currently divided into dry-mixed pulp mixed with the wet pulp, the current application is a more mature wet pulp, in this thesis will focus on the problem of wet pulping process. Include selection of raw materials, operation, interpretation of technical documents. After quality control and inspection of finished pulp. Keyword:new energy resources;stored energy;lithium battery;pulp 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 目 录 1 第一章 概述 1 1.1锂离子电池发展 1 1.1.1锂电池的性能特点 1 1.1.2 锂离子电池的工作原理 1 1.1.3 锂电池的发展及应用 2 1.2锂离子制浆的工艺目的 2 第二章 锂离子制浆工艺的探究 4 2.1 锂


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