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(J Fourth M ilM e Un iv)2006;27(8) h ttp:/ /journal. fmmu. e u. cn 695
:1000-2790(2006 )08-0695-03
1 2 2 2 2 2
杨伟宇,王自立, 乔永东, 丁惠强 ,赵浩宁, 戈朝晖
1 2
( , 753000, , 750002)
Resectable range of anterior partial 【】结核,脊柱;外科手术;病理学
【】R529. 2 【】A
vertebrectomy for spinal tuberculosis
1 2 2
YAN G We-i Yu , WAN G Z -i L i , QIAO Yong-D ong , D IN G Hu-i 0
2 2 2
Qiang , Z HAO H ao-N ing , GE Z hao-H u i
, .
1 Departm en t of Orthope ics, General Hospital of Ningxia Coal
2 、、
In ustry Group, Shizuishan 753000, Ch ina, Departm ent of
O rthope ics, A ffiliate Hosp ital of Ningxia M e ical College,
Y inchuan 750004, China . , 20
【Abstract】AIM:To observe the istribution of tubercu lar
infectious focus in isease vertebral bo y for p rovi ing theoretic 1
evi ence to partial vertebrectomy of vertebral bo y w ith spinal tu- 1. 1 2003-10 /2004-10,
bercu losis. METHODS:Tw en ty pationtsw ith spinal tuberculosis 、、
w ere treate by anterior partial vertebrectom y of the isease ve-r 20( 7, 13), 22 ~
teb rae, iliac grafting an internal fixation via anterior of posterior
68( 35. 6); 10, 7, 3
app roach. U sing MMA em be ing, un ecalcifie bone sections
. 、、
an tolui ine blue staining, the istribution of infectious focus in
isease vertebral bo y w as observe, then the confines of resec-t
: Leica
able bone in partial vertebrectom yw
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