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PAGE PAGE 28 中文摘要………………………………………………………………………………1 英文摘要………………………………………………………………………………2 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1引言 3 2路灯控制器 4 2.1自动开关 4 2.2分时控制 5 2.3电压监控 6 3系统总体分析与设计 7 3.1系统设计主要内容 7 3.2机型及器件选择 7 3.2.2 晶闸管触发集成电路TCA785 9 3.2.3A/D转换器ADC0809 14 3.2.4D/A转换器0832 15 3.2.5可编程键盘/显示接口8279 16 3.2.6光强检测部分电路设计 19 3.2.7单相桥式全控整流电路 20 3.2.8看门狗电路的设计 21 3.2.9时钟芯片DS1302 22 3.2.10电源电路设计 23 4软件设计方案 25 结论 27 谢辞 28 参考文献 29 单片机智能路灯控制系统 摘 要:当前所用的路灯系统大多存在着浪费能源的不合理现象,在能源日益紧缺的今天,设计一种节能的路灯控制系统具有现实的意义。本设计根据现实需要,基于单片机控制与电力电子技术,以8051AH单片机为核心,采用光控与时控相结合的基本方法,同时采取路灯软启动和动态调压技术,构成了通用型智能路灯控制系统,能够减少电能的浪费,延长灯具的寿命,提高路灯的效率。该设计具有成本低、操作方便等特点。本文介绍了其工作原理和设计方法,首先介绍了研究意义及背景,说明该设计的实用性,然后论述总体设计思路,确定系统技术指标,接着着重描述了所使用的各种器件功能并进行了系统的硬件设计,最后重点描述了软件实现流程。 关键词:单片机;A/D转换;路灯 The Intelligent Control System of Street Lamp Based on MCU Abstract: At present, most street lamp system have the phenomenon of wasting power, nowadays the sources of energy are in short supply increasingly, and designing an intelligent street lamp control system is very important,. according to the reality needs, based on computer control technology and power electronic technology, adopting the basic method is to control the system by light and time, with MCS8051 as the core, adopting soft- starting and dynamic-voltage-adjusting method of street lamp,build the intelligent street lamp control system, this design can reduce power waste and lengthen lamps service life, and raises the work efficiency of street lamp. This design possesses the characteristics such as the cost is low and operates convenient etc, this paper introduces its work principle and design method ,first explains practical meaning and background of the design ,then mainly describes the total design mode and defines the technology goal of this system ,next the hardware design of the system and the functions and characteristics of various kinds of parts used is introduced, finally we have mainly described the flow chart


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