
经济博弈论(清华大学) Chapter17 讨价还价.pdf

经济博弈论(清华大学) Chapter17 讨价还价.pdf

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讨价还价 Bargaining 第17章 Chapter 17 讨价还价 Bargaining 人们在生活中总在进行着讨价还价: People engage in bargaining throughout their lives: 儿童在共用玩具和做游戏上 Children over sharing toys and playing games 夫妇在购房、择业和孩子上 Couples over housing, careers, child rearing, etc. 买卖双方在价格上 Buyers and sellers over price 工人和老板在工资上 Workers and bosses over wages 国家在相互贸易政策,或在裁军上 Countries over policies of mutual trade liberalization, or mutual arms reduction …… Slide 2 讨价还价 Bargaining 所有的讨价还价问题有两个共同点。 All bargaining situations have two things in common. 首先,参加谈判各方通过达成协议所能够产生和得到 的总收益应该比他们独立行动所能得到的个人收益之 和要大。 First, the total payoff that the parties to the negotiation are capable of creating and enjoying as a result of reaching an agreement should be greater than the sum of the individual payoffs that they could achieve separately. 其次,这不是一个零和博弈。 Second, it is not a zero-sum game. Slide 3 讨价还价 Bargaining 表面看起来是一个零和博弈:当剩余存在时,谈判就是为了瓜分 它。每个讨价还价者都试图让自己多得,而留给别人更少。 It may appear to be zero-sum: when a surplus exists, the negotiation is about how to divide it up. Each bargainer tries to get more for himself and leave less for the others. 但在这背后隐藏着一个危险,如果协议未能达成,没有人可以得 到任何一点剩余。 But behind it lies the danger that, if the agreement is not reached, no one will get any surplus at all. 这一不利于双方的结果,以及双方都要避免之的愿望,为威胁 (明显的或隐含的)创造了可能,这就使得讨价还价成为一个策 略问题。 This mutually harmful alternative, as well as both parties’ desire to avoid it, is what creates the potential for the threats –explicit and implicit – that make bargaining such a strategic matter.


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