Battle for the Planet of the Apes《决战猩球(1973)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Battle for the Planet of the Apes《决战猩球(1973)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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北美 公元2670年 天地初开之时 上帝创造了猛兽和人类... In the beginning, God created beast and man... 这样两种生灵或许能和平共处... so that both might live in friendship... 共享全世界的领土 and share dominion over a world at peace. 但假以时日 邪恶的人类背叛了上帝的信任... But in the fullness of time, evil men betrayed Gods trust... 违背他的圣言... and in disobedience to his holy word... 发动血腥的战争... waged bloody wars... 不仅屠hearts;杀hearts;同类... not only against their own kind... 还将魔爪伸向沦为奴隶的猩猩 but against the apes, whom they reduced to slavery. 上帝一怒之下 派来了一位救世主... Then God, in his wrath, sent the world a savior... 就是由两只从未来的地球... miraculously born of two apes... 降临现在的地球的猩猩奇迹般生下的那只小猩猩 who descended on Earth from Earths own future. 人类非常害怕... And man was afraid... 因为小猩猩的父母拥有说话的能力 for both parent apes possessed the power of speech. 快跟上! Come on! 科尼利斯! Cornelius! 因此他们都被人类残忍hearts;地杀害了 So both were brutally murdered. 但是小猩猩活了下来... But the child ape survived... 并长大了 他肩负着将他的同类... and grew up to set his fellow creatures free... 从人类奴隶的枷锁中解放的使命 from the yoke of human slavery. 倒水 Do. 不! No! 然而 这场胜利的之后... Yet in the aftermath of this victory... 世界因人类历史上的卑劣战争... the surface of the world was ravaged... 而变得满目苍夷 by the vilest war in human history. 世界上的大城市被四分五裂... The great cities of the world split asunder... 夷为平地 and were flattened. 在其中的一座城市... And out of one such city... 我们的救世主统领劫后余生者... our savior led a remnant of those who survived... 根据神圣意志... in search of greener pastures... 寻找猩猩和人类可以永远友好相处的... where ape and human might forever live in friendship... 新的方式 according to divine will. 他的名字叫做凯撒... His name was Caesar... 这是在那早已逝去的时光里发生的他的故事 and this is his story in those far-off days. 决战猩球 你们搞不定的 杰克 Youre not gonna make it, Jake. 不 我们可以的 Nah, well make it. 我教你怎么做 Ill show you how. 谢谢 阿尔多 Thanks, Aldo. 你要叫我的头衔... 上将! You will call me by my proper rank... General! 是 上将 Yes, General. 不要牵进畜栏 我很快回来 Dont put him in the corral. I wont be long. 猩猩们 读一下我写的句子 Gorillas, read me what Ive written. 猿类绝不自相残杀 Ape shall never kill ape. 猿类绝不自相残杀 Ape shall never kill ape. 猿类绝


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