马克·凯什岚斯基-西方文明史(第五版)第八章 The Reform of Religion.pptxVIP

马克·凯什岚斯基-西方文明史(第五版)第八章 The Reform of Religion.pptx

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CHAPTER 8 The reform of religionINTELLECTUAL REFORMATIONTHE LUTHERAN REFORMATIONTHE PROTESTANT REFORMATIONTHE CATHOLIC REFORMATION How did humanism prepare the way for the Reformation? INTRODUCTION John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (this text of the apostle John so appropriate). Translation of the Scriptures: In the early sixteenth century, Europeans developed an insatiable appetite for hearing and reading the Bible. Scriptures rolled off printing presses in every shape and form, from the great vellum tomes of Gutenberg, pictured here, to pocket Bibles that soldiers carried into battle. They came in every imaginable language. Before 1500 there were 14 complete Bibles printed in German, four each in Italian, French, and Spanish, one in Czech, and even one in Flemish. There were hundreds more editions in Latin, the official Vulgate Bible first translated by Saint Jerome in the fourth century. Separate sections, especially the Psalms and the first books of the Old Testament, were also printed by the thousands. Luther’s Bible: When Martin Luther began his own German translation of the Bible in 1522, it immediately became an international bestseller. In 25 years, it went into 430 editions. It is estimated that 1 million German Bibles were printed in the first half of the sixteenth century, at a time when Europe had a German-speaking population of about 15 million people, 90 percent of whom were illiterate. i. INTELLECTUAL REFORMATIONMartin Luther, translation of the Bible (1522)Renewed spiritualityHumanism: the Inspiration for reformThe print revolution The Print Revolution The development of printing did not cause religiousreform, but it is difficult to see how reform would have progressed in its absence. The campaign to change the doctrine and practice of Catholicism was waged through the press, as millions of flyers and pamphlets were distributed across Europe to spread the new ideas. One third of all books sol


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