Planet Earth《地球脉动(2006)》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Planet Earth《地球脉动(2006)》第三季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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这里是非洲中部的沙漠绿洲 This is Guelta dArchei in Central Africa. 一片不毛之地 A hostile, seemingly empty world. 却孕育着生命 There is life here. 这里的生命时时刻刻处于危机之中 But it exists at the very limits of survival. 因为这是一个水资源极度缺乏的世界 For this is a world with almost no water. 像这样的土地覆盖了地球上超过三分之一的面hearts;积hearts; Lands like these cover over a third of our planet. 在这里 生命被迫另辟蹊径 Here, life is forced to do things differently. 第三集 沙漠与草原 这里是最古老的沙漠 This is the most ancient desert of all. 纳米布沙漠 坐落于非洲西南部 The Namib - in south west Africa. 是地球上最热的地方之一 It is one of the hottest places on Earth. 尽管如此 这只雄性鸵鸟和它的伴侣 Yet this male ostrich and his mate 依然来到了这里组建家庭 have come here to start a family. 很少有捕食者会在白天冒着炎热觅食 Few predators venture out during the heat of day. 但这种安全是需要付出代价的 But such safety comes at a price. 刚孵化出的雏鸟暴露在烈日之下 Out in the open, the newly-hatched chicks are exposed to the crushing heat of the sun. 然而有些雏鸟还没孵化出来 But not all of the brood have hatched. 在全部孵化出来前 一家子都将留在这里 Until they do, the family will stay here. 成年鸵鸟轮流负责保护雏鸟 The adults take it in turns to protect the brood. 当轮到雌鸵鸟休息时 So whilst the female takes a well-earned break, 雄鸵鸟就会接手这项辛苦的工作 the male takes over for the most testing shift. 它轻轻的晃动尚未破壳的蛋 He gently rolls the unhatched eggs... 呼唤里面的雏鸟 ..calling to the young within them. 它不想落下任何一个孩子 He doesnt want to leave anyone behind. 温度持续上升 每个小时升高5摄氏度 The temperature continues to rise by five degrees Celsius every hour. 雄鸵鸟用身体挡住太阳 He protects the chicks that have emerged... 保护刚出生的雏鸟 ..shading them with his own body. 经受太阳一整天的炙烤后 At the end of another gruelling day in the sun... 雄鸵鸟已经精疲力竭 ..hes lost almost all his energy. 但它必须克制住想要休息的冲动 But he must resist the urge to rest. 凉爽的夜晚能缓解些许疲劳 The cool of the night brings some relief... 但同时捕食者也开始了活动 ..but now predators are out and about. 这将是个漫长的夜晚 Its going to be a long night. 黎明时分 惊喜悄然而至 Dawn brings a surprise. 家庭增添了三名新成员 Three additions to the family... 跟刚回来的妈妈打个招呼 greet the returning female. 但有一个难题 But theres a problem. 在如此高温下 雏鸟很难存活 The chicks wont survive ano



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