The Gilded Age《镀金时代(2022)》第二季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Gilded Age《镀金时代(2022)》第二季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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竟然说她不想去 How dare she refuse? This is outrageous. 太过分了,还把自己关在房hearts;裡 She wont even leave her room! 我是她母亲,我说了算 I am her mother and I make the decisions. 你不去讲讲她吗? Are you going to reason with her? 我试试看 Im going to try. 我不需要她帮忙 I dont need her help. 事情没解决我就不出房hearts;门 I wont leave until everything is settled! 你母亲说你不想去纽波特 Your mother says you dont want to go to Newport. 我不去 No. 有件事还没解决, Theres something I need to have settled 不能离开纽约 before I can leave New York. 我知道听来像小题大作 Of course, that sounds overdramatic 等到夏天结束就太慢了 But it wont wait until the end of the summer. 这事关我下半辈子 This will affect the rest of my life. 听起来很严重呢 How grave you make it sound. 您儘管取笑好了,我笑不出来 Naturally, you want to make a joke of it, but I cant. 我以为这事早该解决了 To be honest, I thought everything would be settled already 却拖过一天又一天 but day after day goes by and... 跟奥斯卡凡瑞恩有关吗? Does it have anything to do with Oscar van Rhijn? 您怎麽知道? Why do you say that? 他写信给我求见 He has written to me, asking for an interview. 我叫他这麽做的 Thats what I told him to do. 但您隻字未提‥ But when you didnt speak of it... 因为我知道他想跟我说什麽 I didnt because I knew what the interview would be about 我想在见面前确定怎麽回答他 and I wanted to be quite sure what my answer should be. -您回他信了吗? -还没 Have you sent a reply now? - No. 我今天会写信,请他来我办公室 But Ill write today and ask him to come to my office. 您跟母亲说了吗? -还没,但我会的 Have you told Mother? - Not yet, but I will. 我对他俩的说词 Of course, what I say to her, or to him 取决于你希望我怎麽说 will depend on what you want me to say. 他给我足够理由接受求婚 He gave me the reasons why I should accept his offer. -他还挺精明的 That was clever of him. -他问我是否想摆脱母亲掌控 He asked me if I wanted to get away from Mother 我当然想 天啊 - and of course I do. - Oh, dear. 我也不想离开您啊 I dont want to get away from you. 但我要有做决定的自hearts;由hearts; But I must be allowed the freedom to make my own decisions. 结婚不是为了追求自hearts;由hearts; Marriage is not the place to look for freedom. 我想知道你爱他吗? May I ask if you love him? 这年头没有爱的婚姻多的是 There is that, but, these days, so many people marry without love. 所以你并不爱他



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