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第49卷第1期 农 药 Vol. 49, No. 1 2010年1月 AGROCHEMICALS Jan. 2010 科研与开发 36%噻虫啉水分散粒剂的研制 杨金库,王俊山,姚国胜,姜磊 (廊坊市农林科学院, 河北 廊坊 065000) 摘要: 用不同种类的分散剂、润湿剂、崩解剂、填料进行配方组合,制成制剂后检测其悬浮率、崩解性等指标,确 定了36%噻虫啉水分散粒剂的制剂生产配方为噻虫啉36%,萘磺酸盐混合物10%,萘磺酸盐10%,硫酸铵20%,轻 质钙33.2%。 该配方制剂经热贮稳定性检测,有效成分分解率小于1.1%,悬浮率大于93.3%,润湿时间小于23 s, 崩解性时间为33 s,达到水分散粒剂的产品标准要求。 关键词: 噻虫啉;水分散粒剂;配方 中图分类号: 文献标志码: 文章编号: TQ450.6 A 1006-0413(2010)01-0034-03 Stduty on the Formulation of Thiacloprid 36% WG YANG Jin-ku, WANG Jun-shan, YAO Guo-sheng, JIANG Lei (Agriculture and Forestry Academy of Langfang, Langfang 065000, Hebei, China) Abstract: In this article, different thiacloprid formulations, by the directions of different kinds of dispersing agent and wetting agent, disintegrant agent, were made up and check out according to indexes of suspensibility, disintegration etc. The direction of formulation was chosen, which was made up of thiacloprid 36%, CBZ 10%, naphthalene sulfonate 10%, ammonium sulphate 20%, and calcium carbonate(light) 33.2%. The test of thermal storage stability showed that the decomposing rate of thiacloprid was less than 1.1%, suspension rate more than 93.3%, wetting time less than 23 s, disintegration time less than 33 s, which was in accord with the sandard of quality criterion of WG. Key words: thiacloprid; water dispersible granule; formulation 水分散粒剂(WG)又叫干悬浮剂(DF)或粒型可湿性粉 Sc213(聚羧酸钠)、十二烷基苯磺酸钠、K12(十二烷基硫酸 剂(granule type wettable powder)。 在水中能较快崩解、分 钠)、BX(拉开粉)、CBZ(萘磺酸盐混合物)。 崩解剂及载体: 散,形成高悬浮的分散体系。 水分散粒剂是20世纪80年代 硫酸铵、蔗糖、尿素或电解质盐、高岭土、膨润土、滑石粉、 在可湿性粉剂(WP)和悬浮剂


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