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摘 要 20 世纪90年代以来,中国的经济体制经历了市场化的深刻变革,大学生的就 业环境已经发生根本的变革, 经过几年扩招后的 2002年,我国高等学校毛入学 率就基本达到 15%,高等教育“大众化”时代已经来临。由于我国宏观就业环境 变化速度之快远远超过了人们的预期,毕业生就业观念的变化始终落后于就业 环境的改变。毕业生较高的就业期望值与现实就业期望的差距,造成了我国现 阶段高校毕业生就业中存在大量的摩擦性失业。 本文第一章从影响高校毕业生就业期望的因素入手,分析了毕业生高就业 期望形成的原因:传统影响,舆论影响,信息不对称,指导不力,羊群效应等。 并通过建立理想就业期望?实际就业期望模型,厘清了毕业生形成过高就业期 望过程中的种种自身的误解,同时也揭示了这一过程中客观因素的影响。最终 提出了理想就业期望与实际就业期望差距对毕业生就业过程影响的模型。从就 业期望的角度解释了目前我国高校毕业生就业难以及主动退出就业市场等现象 的内在机理。 本文第二章通过对于中国人民大学 2008届全体毕业生的就业意向调查,从 中找出在求职时毕业生对于就业市场的认识,并找到验证前文所述的毕业生形 成就业期望过程的事实依据;通过对于求职意向中包含的影响就业期望因素的 统计和分析,寻找到大学生就业期望与合理就业期望偏离的线索;通过就业意 向与事实就业状况的比较,显示大学生就业期望形成中包含的不合理因素。 本文第三章对理论推导和实证研究结论进行了整理,并向毕业生就业有关 各方提出了有针对性的建议。并对全文的创新性和不足进行了总结。关键词:期望;就业期望;动机 4Abstract Since 1990s, the economic system of China has experienced a significantly market-oriented reform. Particularly, a fundamental change of the employment environment for college students occurred. In 2002, after few years’ expansion of university enrollment, the gross enrollment rate in the universities of our higher education has almost reached 15%. The globalization of higher education has comeHowever, the rapid changing pace of macro-employment environment is far beyond our expectation, and college students’ notion of employment could never catch up to adapt to the change of employment environmentThe higher expectation of employment in the opinion of university graduates formed an enormous gap with the real employment environment, which has caused a great number of frictional unemployment in the current graduates employment situationThe first chapter of this thesis analyses the reasons for college graduates forming the high expectation of employment, namely influence of tradition, influence of public opinion, information asymmetry, ineffective instruction, herd behaviour, etc. The model of Ideal-Practical Employment Environment applied in this thesis explains graduates’ misunderstandings of themselves and objective factors in the process of forming the over-expectation of e


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