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论 文 摘 要 数学拓展课堂说的是,在让学生掌握数学基本知识、基本技能基础上,―渗透‖、―介绍‖和―运 用‖数学史与数学人文思想与现实的数学课堂相结合,进而―拓展‖和―提升‖原有的课堂意境,这 将是现代数学课堂不可缺少的一则模式。 本文试图通过 3 个初中数学的拓展课堂的设计与教学实践,结合自身的感悟,对如何开展 拓展课堂提一些相关的建议和想法,以期抛砖引玉,与其他的老师分享中学数学教学的苦涩与快 乐,收获与得失。 研究结果发现:大多数中学生对于数学拓展课堂还是非常喜欢的。学生喜欢数学书上没有的 知识,有趣奇特的数学故事,以及蕴含着数学内容的美丽图案。在一定程度上也改变了学生对数 学的观念和看法,增加了对数学的学习兴趣。尤其是对成绩一般的学生来说,数学拓展课堂的开 展对他们帮助更大,让他们从另一个角度重新认识数学,原来数学不光是枯燥的计算,还有这么 有趣而神奇的一面。最后,基于本研究的发现,对数学拓展课堂的开展提出了若干建议。 关键词:拓展课堂,数学文化,数学阅读 I ABSTRACT Class of mathematics expanding aims to introduce, infiltrate and implement history Humanities Thought of mathematics, while integrated with normal math class based on the basic knowledge skill of math learned by students, therefore to expand and raise the level of original class. This will be the must mode for modern math class. In this essay, the author manage to make some suggestions ideas about how to develop the class expanding through the design and teaching practice for 3 classes of mathematics expanding in middle school, which hope to introduce and to share with other teachers about the sweets bitter, achievement loss on middle school mathematics teaching. The research shows that students do like the class of math expanding. They enjoy knowledge out of math book, interesting unique math story, and pretty graphic with math content. To some extent, the class of math expanding also changes the perspective and perception to mathematics from students, and increases their interests on math learning. Especially to average student, the class of math expanding is more helpful, which may get them to rediscover math. Mathematic is not only boring calculating, but also magic fun! At last but not least, this essay raise some recommendations regarding to the development of


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