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毕业论文 (20_ _届) 浙江省柑橘出口贸易存在的问题及对策研究 摘 要 我国历来高度重视农业、农村和农民工作,2004~2008年连续出台了五个关于“三农”的中央一号文件,在这五个中央一号文件中均提出了要优化产业结构,大力发展特色农业。浙江地处中国东部沿海,属经济发达省份。柑橘是浙江第一大水果,也是浙江的传统特色产业,在全国柑橘生产中占据着重要的地位。因此,如何进一步提高柑橘的市场竞争力,促进柑橘产业的发展对推动浙江山区经济发展和农民收入提高具有十分重要的现实意义。 本文运用比较优势理论和国际竞争力理论的基本原理和方法,对浙江省柑橘产业进行比较优势的分析以及竞争力评价,从而认识到浙江柑橘产业水平逐渐提高,品种结构全面调整,生产技术不断优化,果品市场不断扩大,针对现存果品处理能力薄弱,检测标准尚未与国际接轨,缺乏优势品牌,经营规模小,无序竞争现象严重等问题,从应诉反倾销、体系建设、品牌建设,提高产业组织化程度等方面提出促进浙江柑橘出口的对策。 关键词:Abstract Our country has always attaches great importance to agriculture, rural areas and farmers work, from 2004 to 2008 continuous launched five about “SAN NONG” central first files, in these five central first files all put forward to optimize industrial structure, develop the characteristic agriculture. Zhejiang is located in China’s eastern coastal and it is economically developed province. Orange is Zhejiangs first big fruit, also be traditional characteristic industry in the country, occupy an important position in citrus production. Therefore, how to further increase the market competitive power, promote citrus of citrus industry for promoting the development of Zhejiang mountainous area economy development and the peasants’ income growth has very important practical significance. This paper uses the theory of comparative advantage and international competitiveness theory, making analysis of comparative advantage and competitiveness evaluation for the Citrus Industry in Zhejiang Province, thus has certain acknowledge to export situation of citrus industry in Zhejiang province, to recognize that gradually increase the level of the citrus industry in Zhejiang, a comprehensive adjustment of product structure, optimize of production technology and fruit market, expanding the quentions of the weak existing fruit processing capacity, the lack of international testing standards and strong brands, small scale, serious disorderly competition, from responding to anti-dumping, system, brand building, increase the degree of industrial organiza


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