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▼Main ingredients:aquatics . ▼Carving techniques ▼Not-too-spicy, not-too-bland taste 蟹粉狮子头 Lion s head 金陵盐水鸭 Salty duck 凤尾虾 Pteris Shrimp 蜜汁火方Steamed ham in honey sauce ●Freshness, tenderness, softness. ●Not greasy. sweet and sour fish fillet 糖醋鱼 西湖醋鱼Steamed grass carp in vinegar gravy 东坡肉Dongpos braised pork 龙井虾仁Longjing shrimp 西湖莼菜汤West Lake soup Hunan cuisine ●Thick and pungent flavor ●consists of local Cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau. ●Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessaries * Preserved Pork Fried With Dried Radish Peel Steamed Preserved Pork Fried Stinky Beancurd Stewed Duck in Chilli Sauce Fish Head Steamed with Minced Pepper Traditional Chinese Snack * Clay oven rolls Fried bread stick preserved egg * Spring rolls Soybean milk Seafood noodles Steamed stuffed Century egg * Through five aspects to comment on Chinese food color、flavor 、taste、shape、meaning Through the way to comment the dishs , we can see that the Chinese know a lot about what is delicious. * Unique aspect of Chinese cuisine In China, people care a lot about Healthy Care. And in traditional Chinese medicine, all the plant and meat have medicinal value. We usually treat eatting as one methead to keep healthy or cure some minor illness. If you got a yellowish face and loss of appitate, you can eat porridge of Chinese yam(山药) 、white hyacinth bean(白扁豆) and Japonica rice(粳米)。 If you got blain on the forehead, the porridge of rice、 jujube, lotus seeds(莲子) and dried lily will be usful. The tea of medlar、glossy privet fruit(女贞子)and chrysanthemum will help to cure the blain in the cheek. * How to truaslate the name? You will meet some challenge if you want to introduce Chinese dish to a foreiger, just because of the name. R


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